Sunday 16 August 2015

Last projects from Lydie Denis and Fiona Paltridge

It's time to say goodbye to our talented Designers - LydieDenis and Fiona Paltridge. We will miss you Ladies! 

Czas pożegnać się z naszymi utalentowanymi projektantkami- Lydie Denis i Fioną Paltridge. Będzie nam Was brakowało Dziewczyny! Mamy nadzieję, że jeszcze zagościcie na naszym blogu :) 


Bonjour tout le monde !!
Hi everyone !!

This is Lydie Denis – Lilibleu, and I’m very happy to see you again with this new project.
Pour ce mois d’août, j’ai décidé de réaliser un canvas, car j’avais une énorme envie de patouille avec de beaucoup de textures !!
For august, I decided to create a canvas, for I had a huge desire to mess about with many, many textures !!
J’ai commencé par appliquer à la spatule une couche épaisse d’Acrylic Gel Medium, avant de vaporiser de l’encre dessus.
I first applied a thick coat of Acrylic Gel Medium with a palet knife, before spraying mists on it.

J’ai rajouté ensuite quelques morceaux effilochés de gaze pour donner encore plus de texture.
I then added pieces of unravelled gauze to make more texture.
Sur le chipboard dentelle que j’ai préalablement recouvert de gesso j’ai ensuite appliqué un peu de Gel Medium et de l’encre en spray.
On the lacework chipboard I previously covered with gesso, I then put a bit of Gel Medium and some sprayed mists.

Pour rajouter de la matière, j’ai déposé un peu de Silver Hologram Glitter et du Gravel Colored Grit Light Blue à plusieurs endroits sur mon canvas.
In order to add more matters, I layed a bit of Silver Hologram Glitter and of Gravel Colored Grit Light Blue on several places of my canvas.

J’ai également rajouté quelques taches d’encres noire et blanche.
I also added spots of black and white inks.

Et j'ai achevé ma décoration en rajoutant quelques fleurs et embellissements divers.
And I concluded my decoration by putting flowers and various embellishments.

13 Arts products used:
Ayeeda Powder 3D Gold Microsphéres
50 pcs Self-adhesive gems “Kid’s Fun”


Hello Fiona here with you for my final share as part of the Guest Design team. What an awesome journey this has been as a 13@rts Guest Designer. I have absolutely loved my time here. The team is so friendly and the products ... well what can I say, they have been my favourite ever since I first saw them being demonstrated by the very talented Aida.
My final piece for you all is a layout I created using some of the sprays from the range. I wanted to use blue hues so I picked out some of the most gorgeous blues available in the collection. That’s what I love about the 13@rts sprays, the colour range is fabulous and growing all the time. Blue is not just blue!
I wanted to show you how the sprays cling so well to any surface. For this project I have used a canvas board. I was very impressed how the colour stayed so bright even after it was dried and how, when applied on top of the wet Modeling paste, it crackled ever so slightly when I dried it with my heat tool. A brilliant effect!
I also used the Ayeeda Splash Inks in the black and white. The consistency is amazing. Thick enough to splash but thin enough to flick to get a smaller effect. The coverage with the white is amazing. Even after it has dried it is strong in colour.
  As I mentioned before, I have absolutely loved my time as part of the Guest Design team. It will be sad to say goodbye. I hope you have enjoyed seeing the projects I have created. Thank you to all of you for your support. I hope to be creating for you again one day xx
Product List:
Ayeeda Mists Pastel Blue
Ayeeda Mist Chalk Blue Light
Ayeeda Mist Chalk indigo
Ayeeda Mist Chalk Turquoise light
Ayeeda SPLASH Ink Black
Ayeeda SPLASH Ink White
Ayeeda Medium Modeling Paste
Ayeeda Medium gesso
StazOn Ink Jet Black
Ayeeda gesso

We really enjoyed seeing your projects here! We hope to see you again on our blog in the future :) 
Bardzo miło oglądało nam się Wasze projekty! Mamy nadzieję, że zobaczymy Was jeszcze na naszym blogu :)