Monday 24 February 2020

Tutorial Video - "Elegance" by Kareen

Hello everyone!
It's my turn today and I'm sharing with you a layout made
with "Travel the World" Collection. The latest release is totally awesome!!!
I made a video process of my layout, I hope you'll like it!

Video : 

My layout : 

Some close-ups : 

Material used : 
- Matte Paint White

So, that's it for today and be creative!
See you soon for more inspiration!

Saturday 22 February 2020

LOVE - mixed media heart

Hello! I made a mixed media heart with the new Victoriana collection and new Color glows :) 
The background is an acetate - printed foil from Victoriana collection, as well as some white gesso and stamps. The wings - made from the clay I painted with Color glow paints - Tiger eye and Fire opal colors. Color glows you can use by simply mixing them with water (on my background) or liquid medium for better coverage (the wings). 
Hope you will create something nice with our products, remember you can share your creations  with 13 arts products here:

Cześć! Tym razem chciałabym wam pokazać moje mixed mediowe serducho. praca powstała przy użyciu nowych farb Color Glow i kolekcji Victoriana. W tle widzicie folie z kolekcji Victoriana, którą miejscami przygessowałam i postemplowałam stemplami z tej samej kolekcji. Kolory to Tiger Eye i Fire Opal z serii Color Glow - farbki możecie użyć mieszając z wodą (efekt widać w tle) lub z ciekłym medium, co daje lepsze krycie i wodoodporność (na skrzydłach). 
Mam nadzieję że i wy tworzycie coś z naszymi nowymi produktami. Pamiętajcie, że możecie podzielić się Waszymi pracami wykonanymi z produktów 12 arts tutaj:

I used:






Friday 21 February 2020

Card box with card making tutorial video

Hello Everybody!

I brought you today a little postcard from the unforgettable papers.
I made myself the box from white carton and decorated with the Poppy Fields papers.
I put a dozen of blank postcards to keep near at hand if I would like to create. There are some cuts and ephermera pack in the box.

Here is the video tutorial:

Products what i used:

We'd like to encourage you to show us your projects!
You can share them in our ARTelier FB Group
You can also tag us on Instagram (@13arts).

Thank you for watching :)

Thursday 20 February 2020

"Baby wings" Layout by Sabrina Perna

Hi to everyone! 
Sab is here for another year! I am so happy to ispire you with 13arts wonderful releases!
Today I show my page with two collection mixed.
my baby inspire me for this page :-)
hope you like it!

Material I used for this Layout

thank you for stopping by!

Wednesday 19 February 2020

Green and blue love

Cześć wszystkim,

dziś postanowiłem Wam pokazać pracę, którą jakiś czas temu zacząłem, a która nie wyszła tak jak chciałem. Szkoda było ją wyrzucić, więc przeleżała trochę czasu na półce, aż w końcu trafiła na biurko po raz drugi.

Hello everyone,

today I decided to show you a project that I started some time ago and which didn't work out as I wanted. It was a shame to throw her away, so she lay there for some time on the shelf, until she finally hit the desk for the second time.

Wszystkie elementy, które nakleiłem oraz mikrokulki pokryłem warstwą białego gesso. Jako, że praca była wcześniej kolorowana z użyciem rainbow color duo w kolorze pistacjowej zieleni to całość nabrała lekko zielonego koloru. Postanowiłem więc utrzymać projekt w tej tonacji.

All the elements that I attached and the microspheres covered with a layer of white gesso. As the work was previously colored with the use of rainbow color duo in pistachio green, the whole thing took on a slightly green color. So I decided to keep the project in this tone.

Kilka miejsc wzbogaciłem o nieco mocniejsze barwy używając metalicznych farb Color Glow wymieszanych z płynnym medium akrylowym. Dodałem dwa kolory - emerald i tourmaline. Szczerze się przyznam, że wcześniej nie pomyślałbym nawet o takim połączeniu kolorystycznym.

I enriched a few places with slightly stronger colors using Color Glow metallic paints mixed with a liquid acrylic medium. I added two colors - emerald and tourmaline. I honestly admit that I wouldn't even think about such a color combination before.

Produkty, których użyłem: / Products I used:

Pamiętajcie, że trwa nasze wyzwanie - znajdziecie je tutaj.

Remember that our challenge continues - you'll find it here.




Tuesday 18 February 2020

Travel inspired Cards

Hello dear friends

I am back on the blog today sharing these cards I made using the new Travel The World Collection. My oh my it is just so beautiful. Then, I can't help to love all of our new collections. They are just so stunning, I have trouble picking which to use.

I  just love the ocean colours and travel theme. It combines 2 of my favourite things in the world, so for today, I made some cards using 2 sheets of  paper in this collection, in combination with pieces from the Ephemera Pack.

As you can see, I cut my paper panels, so I could use both sides of the This Moment Paper and layered it with double sided foam to create a bit more depth and texture.

I then used lace, Dusty Attic Chipboard and various pieces of the Travel the World Ephemera pack to embellish each card. Next I added a flower cluster to each card.

Last but not least I finished it off with my favourite 13@rts sentiment stickers.

Products used:
Thank you so much for visiting us today. I hope you love the new collections just as much as I do and if you haven't seen them yet,make sure you go and check it out on our website. You can find all I used in the product list above.

Till next time, have fun and take care.