Saturday 31 August 2019

Mixed media Tag with Olga

Hey Guys its Olga here !

Today I have for you mixed media tag with my IN BLOOM COLLECTION. I had so much fun with this tiny projects that is packed with yummy textures.

I have prepared video from creative process that you can find below and all products are linked on the bottom of post.

Hej kochani tu Olga!

Dziś mam dla was mediowego Taga z moja kolekcją IN BLOOM. Bardzo fajnie mi sie go robiło jest pełen smakowitych tekstur i warstw. Jeśli jesteście ciekawi procesu powstawania mam filmik krok po kroku
Wszystkie uzyte produkty znajdziecie na dole posta w postaci klikanych miniaturek.

 Papier  Birds and flowers  Papier  Green diamonds   Ephemera pack "In bloom "Maska-Stencil Ornamental  Stempel Crocheted A6   Grungy walls – Postacards A4    Ephemera pack "Grungy walls – butterflies"   Medium żelowe- Gel medium 500 ml Gesso białe - grunt akrylowy 120ml   Watercolor set 16 pans - akwarele zestaw   Tusz akrylowy SPLASH! White   Zestaw kwiatów w pudełku #2 

Friday 30 August 2019

"Je t'aime" Layout By Christine

Hi everyone!!!

Today I am with you to show you my last creation of the month of August.
I used the wonderful Grungy Walls and Summer Rhapsody collections.

Here is my layout.

I started by putting a layer of transparent gesso on the entire surface of the background paper.
Then I used the new Ornamental stencil, I extended modeling paste with a silicone brush.
I have a watercolor effect with some paint colors, ink spray and water.
I cut out images in a paper from the Summer Rhapsody collection that I pasted on a thick cardboard to give dimension to my page and then I stuck them on my background paper.

I made a montage with lots of flowers, foliage, cutouts, molded shapes, a badge and chipboards.
To finish I made a lot of white drops with Splash! Ink.

I used:

Thank you for your visit!

Thursday 29 August 2019

In Bloom

Wakacje już się kończą, ale nie martwcie się- wszystkie piękne wspomnienia możecie oprawić w jedną z naszych ostatnich kolekcji- In Bloom, zaprojektowaną przez Olgę Heldwein. Nada się również na piękne kartki dla bliskich :) 

Holidays are almost over, but don't worry- you can keep all of the beautiful memories on layouts and albums made with our latest In Bloom collection by Olga Heldwein. It's perfect also for beautiful cards for your beloved ones. 


Material used : 

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Material used : 

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Jak zawsze zachęcamy Was do chwalenia się pracami. 
Możecie podzielić się nimi w komentarzu lub w naszej Facebookowej grupie ARTelier :) 
Tagujcie nas także na Instagramie (@13arts) - bardzo lubimy oglądać Wasze prace. 

As always we'd like to encourage you to show us your projects.
You can share them in the comment or in our ARTelier FB Group :) 

You can also tag us on Instagram (@13arts) - we love discovering your projects

Wednesday 28 August 2019