Friday 30 November 2018

Bellaidea and her acrylic cells

Today I would like to show you a new way of using acrylic paint by 13arts.
I am fascinated how versable acrylic paint is and started playing with it some time ago.

Mam dzis do pokazania nowy sposob wykorzystania farb akrylowych z 13arts.
Jestem zafascynowana  jak :wszechstronne" moga byc te farby i od pewnego czasu bawiua sie nimi w ten wlasnie sposob.
I used several colors , mostly blue, white and green , above you can see also little pink and yellow.

Uzylam tutaj kilku kolorow, w szczegolnosci niebieski, bialy, zielony ale rowniez rozowy i zolty.

First you have to make a choice HERE

Zaczynamy od wyboru TUTAJ

Next step it's to make a choice about colors. I have some VERY colorful projects to show you next time but for this one I wanted to be soft and mostly light blue.

Nastepny krok to wybor colorow. Mam kilka BARDZO kolorowych prac do pokazania nastepnym razem ale przy tym blejtramie zdecydowalam sie na delikatna kolorystyke z przewaga tutkusu.

I was very happy that I managed to achieve my goal - many , many "cells" on my project.

Bylam bardzo szczesliwa ze udalo mi sie osiagnac cel - mnostwo "komorek" na moim projekcie.

I wonder what will you think about this project? If you like the idea I am happy to provide you step by step process. 

Ciekawa jestem co sadzicie o projekcie tego typu? Jesli spodoba Wam sie ten pomysl chetnie pokaze nastepnym razem proces tworzenia takiej pracy .

13arts products:

Gesso białe - grunt akrylowy 500 ml


Wednesday 28 November 2018

Heartfelt Thanks a little card by Fiona

Hello my beautiful 13 Arts friends. Fiona here with you today to share a little "Heartfelt Thanks" card I have made.

I just love the rusty effect powders and using the reagent solution! The effect is amazing!

I use the multi purpose gel medium as my base, this time through a stencil and then I sprinkle the rusting powder over the top. I then add the reagent solution and set it aside to do it's thing!. When you come back the next day ..... it looks AMAZEBALLS!

I love the rusty effect lately. It matches in perfectly with my "Conversations on Trains" collection which is all vintagy and old ephemera looking. Perfect to go with a rusty effect.

Combined with some color from the Rainbow color range ... also awesome textures!! The whole card comes together as a divine rusty ephemera little art piece!

So much fun.

13 Arts products:

Why not give the rusty effect a try. You will become addicted! Sorry not sorry xxx

See you all again soon.

Monday 26 November 2018

Wszystko o pędzlach- cz. 2 / All about the brushes - part 2

W naszym sklepie znajdziecie wiele fajnych i ciekawych pędzli, więc postanowiliśmy pokazać Wam co można z nimi zrobić :) 

In our store you can find many nice and interesting brushes, so we've decided to show you what you can do with them :) Our DT shares some ideas! 

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 I used a rubber brush to apply a modeling paste.
Then I created the wood texture and painted it with acrylic paint.
After the paint dries, I rubbed the texture paste with sandpaper and brushed off a brush with a wide soft bristle from 13@rts :)
Then I just painted the texture 13@rts mists.

13@rts products used:

Wonderful day everyone!

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13@rts products used:

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13@rts Product List

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products :

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 Material used : 

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Jak zawsze zachęcamy Was do chwalenia się pracami. 
Możecie podzielić się nimi w komentarzu lub w naszej Facebookowej grupie ARTelier :) 
Tagujcie nas także na Instagramie (@13arts) - bardzo lubimy oglądać Wasze prace. 

As always we'd like to encourage you to show us your projects.
You can share them in the comment or in our ARTelier FB Group :) 
You can also tag us on Instagram (@13arts) - we love discovering your projects