Thursday 29 June 2017

Winners for challenge #55


Time to announce the winners for the latest challenge:


Huge Congratulations Wuwu! There are millions of textures in your projects, as there is millions of levels and details in the ocean too. Great work!
You will receive a gift voucher for shopping in 13@rts store worth 60 PLN with free international postage. We would also like to invite you for guest designing in one of our next challenges. Please send us an e-mail at: in seven days after the challenge results to claim your prize.

As always, the winner did awesome job but so did the rest of entries too.


and congratulations


Giving votes and seeing your work is a huge honor for our designers, so come back soon to see what's next challenge!
Oh, and there might be coming something new to our store too ;)

a simple card by Sandra

Hi 13arts lovers!

It's my turn today to show you my creation. I don't do so much card usually but I wanted to used a technic and that was easier on a card, so I did one for one of my closed frien karine. 

I used some paint ( matte and vivid) to make this card. It's easy to use and you can add some acrylic liquid medium to make the pain more liquid. 

So, if you want to see my process, just have to watch the video ...

my tutorial on youtube:

13@rts products list:

thanks and see you soon 
san xx

Wednesday 28 June 2017

Some memories from Aida's Australian workshops :)

Witajcie kochani, czas ucieka niezwykle szybko, warsztaty, wyjazdy i oczywiście praca nad nowościami, które już niedługo ujrzą światło dzienne, spowodowały, że ciągle nie wrzuciłam jeszcze relacji z ostatnich podróży warsztatowych. Bardzo lubię dzielić się z Wami ta niezwykła energią, kocham uczyć, dzielić się wiedzą i warsztaty "na żywo" to jest coś co lubię robić najbardziej poza tworzeniem. Poprzednio pokazywałam Wam moją niezwykłą podróż do Nowej Zelandii, dziś krótka relacja z Australii, którą na bardzo króciutko odwiedziłam własnie w drodze powrotnej z NZ. 
Dwa dni - 4 warsztaty w SCRAPMATRIX zobaczcie co tam się działo :)

Hello dear friends. Time is passing by so quickly lately, workshops, travels and of course working on new products, which will be revealed soon are taking all my time and I still did not manage to share with you my memories from Australian workshops. I have visited SCRAPMATRIX store in Victor Harbor (SA) on my way back from New Zealand and taught 4 workshops over 2 days.  You can find many 13 arts products in the store and for sure you will find new releases there as well. 

It was very short but amazing adventure and I was so happy to meet Vicki and all the wonderful people there (special thanks to Helen and Naomi :*). It was my dream to step my foot again on Australian soil again after 17 years, and I really do hope to be back again for few days longer some day LOL :D  Look how wonderful time we all had and we even made the local paper "Victor Harbor Times"  - READ MORE HERE:)

Thank you Vicki for making it happen and for your hospitality and kindness :* 

After about one hour drive from Adelaide we have arrived at Scrapmatrix:

Vicki has beautiful store and workshops space and look how she prepared everything perfectly:

Ana we started the fun :) 


I don't have photos from all the workshops we were so busy I forgot to take photos LOL

I have borrowed some photos from Scrap Matrix fp:)

Look at some projects created by the students:

After 2 amazing days in South Australia I have poped in to visit Sydney.

This visit was definitely too short but soooo worth it :)
Australia and Australian people have a special warm place in my heart and I really do hope to be back there soon. For now, we have new amazing collection coming soon from our Aussie super talented designer Fiona Paltridge, so we can have a small piece of Australia in our houses by using her designs :) 


Tuesday 27 June 2017

Stick it!

Dzisiaj pokażemy Wam kilka projektów z wykorzystaniem 13artsowych naklejek. Mamy ich wiele w ofercie naszego >>>sklepu<<< . Są matowe i dzięki przeźroczystej folii wyglądają na pracach jak stemple. Możecie ich użyć na bardzo wiele sposobów. Spójrzcie co zrobiły z nimi nasze Projektantki:

Today we're going to show some project with 13arts' stickers. We have so many of them in the >>>store<<<. They are matte and look like stamps on your projects. You can use them in so many ways. Just look what our Designers made with them:

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Stickers are some of the most versatile embellishments a scrapper can have. The 13@rts stickers can be used for cards, titles, backgrounds and more. Today I have used them as both titles and embellishments on this trio of little Artist Trading Cards.

13@rts products used:

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13@rts products used:

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13@rts products used:

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Pokażcie nam swoje prace z naklejkami:) !
Możecie podzielić się nimi w komentarzu lub w naszej Facebookowej grupie ARTelier :)

Show us your projects with the stickers! :) 
 You can share them in the comment or in our ARTelier FB Group :) 

Monday 26 June 2017

Last project from our GD Monika Szafran

Dziś na blogu nasza utalentowana Gościnna Projektantka Monika Szafran i jej ostatnia inspiracja - piękny blejtram z jej synkami. 

Today on the blog our talented Guest Designer Monika Szafran and her last project- a beautiful canvas with her sons. 

Witajcie Kochani! 

dziś moja ostatnia gościnna praca dla 13arts! tym razem wybrałam coś zupełnie wyjątkowego... 2 moje najlepsze i najwspanialsze dzieła – moi Synowie - w otoczeniu mediów 13arts! :) 

Hello! Today it's time to my last guest inspiration for 13arts! This time I choose for you something special... 2 of my the best and the most amazing Works – my Sons – with a lots of 13arts media! :)

praca bardzo w moim stylu – bez chaosu kolorystycznego, oczywiście z miętą i turkusem w roli głównej :P z odrobiną czerni dla kontrastu i lepszego wyodrębnienia zdjęcia z tła, do tego - odpowiednia dla mnie ilość dodatków – czyli nie za dużo i nie za mało ;P 

this work is very in my own style – without chaos of colors, with mint and turquoise of course on the front :P with a bit of black color for contrastand and to better show the picture, additionally – the right amount of additives for me – that means it's not too much and not too little ;P

blejtram ten powstał podczas tegorocznej edycji wspaniałej imprezy Mixed Media Party, oranizowanej przez 13arts; którą bardzo Wam polecam! jest to zawsze niesamowicie twórczy i inspirujący czas spędzony w świetnym towarzystwie! 

I made this on this year edition great Mixed Media Party, organized by 13 arts; which I so much recommended to you! this is always incredibly creative and inspiring time spent with amazing people!

Monika użyła / Monika used:


Dziękujemy Moniko za wszystkie piękne prace stworzone dla 13arts i za bycie naszym Gościem. 

Thank you Monika for all your beautiful creations made for 13arts and for being our Guest

Layout "Expression" by Kate

Hi guys!

Kate is here and today I want to show you layout "Expression"
Acrylic paints and water ink from 13@rts helped me to create a real colorful expression :)
 and details foto...