Sunday 31 August 2014

Our New GD Amy Lassiter and her amazing layout

Czas by poznać naszą czwartą Gościnną Projektantkę - Amy Lassiter. Amy będzie nam towarzyszyć przez kolejne 3 miesiące. Dziś przygotowała dla nas piękny layout, ale najpierw zobaczmy co opowiedziała nam o sobie :)
It's time to meet our 4th Guest Designer- Amy Lassiter. Amy will be with us for next 3 months. Today she has a beautiful layout for us but first let's see what she told us about herself :)


I am a wife to my best friend from college, and the mother to three daughters. I recently relocated to Des Moines, Iowa, USA, after living in Kansas for 38 years. I currently work as a mixed media artist and designer, creating with layers and an eclectic, free, and soulful vibe. 
Hello creatives! I am very excited to share my first project 
as a guest designer for 13 Arts! Today I am sharing a layout I created 
using a photo of me when I had a bad day. My bad days have gone since 
making a life change, and now I am happy to share a "down time" that was
 good to look at in retrospect. :) 

For this layout, I began by cutting out a square in the middle of 
the Today, tomorrow, always paper, and flipping the square over to show 
the pattern on the opposite side. Since I turned the paper at an angle, I
 filled the open areas with bits from a vintage book page. 
I created a background using many different 13 Arts mediums, a brayer, palette knife, stenciling, and stamping. Layering chipboard wrapped with copper wire,and metal bits and bobs around the photo was a good way to draw the eye to the strange black and white image. :) I added a few 13 Arts stickers, to create my title, as well as the wings to add a bit of softness.
I really like this layout, and how unique and different it was a joy to create with such wonderful products. Thank you Aida for the opportunity, and I can't wait to share another creation next month!
 Products Used: Paper: Today, tomorrow, always Stickers: Fly Away Mediums: Ayeeda Paint: Metallic Blue, Metallic Pink, Matte Mint, Matte Turquoise,Matte White Mist Pastel: Raspberry, Blue, Black Splash! Inks: Black, White Ayeeda Gesso: White Ayeeda Medium: Modeling Paste
Dziękujemy Amy za jej piękny projekt!
Thank you Amy for your beautiful project!

Saturday 30 August 2014

Love is better than gold by Melenia

Good morning, everyone!
It's Melenia Agapides today with a page that features the awesome and trendy Gold Glitter Strips!
Let me tell you, they add sparkle and glow in the project, even when you have a black background, like mine - you must try them!

Ok now this is my layout

and some details

I have used gesso and modelling paste to give texture and depth to my background.

You can see the texture and the sparkle that the golden strips add to the background!
Isn't it amazing?

Products used

Friday 29 August 2014

Tag by Anna Rogalska

Hello everybody!
Today I want to share with you my tag created with papers from the 'Fly Away' collection, flowers, chipboard, stencil and some 13@rts mixed media products here which I will detail below.
Witam wszystkich!
Dziś chciałabym pokazać Wam mój projekt taga stworzonego z kolekcji papierów "Fly Away", kwiatów, tekturki, maski oraz niektórych mediowych produktów 13@rts, które szczegółowo wypisałam poniżej. 

My fun with paints and gesso! 

Moja zabawa z farbami i gesso! 

Beautiful chipboard - ornament painted with vivid violet and gesso.
Piękną tekturkę - serwetkę pomalowałam gesso oraz fioletową farbką.

My wreath of flowers I decorated with gauze, pieces of thread, buttons, glitter and micro glass beads.

Mój kwiatowy wianuszek ozdobiłam gazą, kawałkami nici, guzikami, brokatem i mikrokulkami.


Thanks for visiting! Have a nice day! 
Dziękuję za odwiedziny! Miłego dnia!

Anna Rogalska

Thursday 28 August 2014

Wyniki wyzwania #21
Challenge #21 Winners

Nasze wyzwanie #21 niedawno dobiegło końca, dziękujemy za kolejną porcję Waszych przepięknych prac. Jak co miesiąc trudno nam wybrać tę jedną jedyną, tym razem w wyniku głosowania DT zwycięzcą zostaje:

It's time to announce the results  of Challenge #21. Thank You for all your beautiful projects - it was so hard to choose again, but our DT has voted and decided, that the August winner is:


Gratulujemy! W nagrodę otrzymujesz bon na zakupy sklepie 13 arts o wartości 60 zł z darmową przesyłką oraz poniższy banerek. Zapraszamy Cię również do gościnnego projektowania do jednego z naszych kolejnych wyzwań. Proszę o kontakt w ciągu 7 dni na:

Congratulations! You will receive a voucher for shopping in 13 arts store worth  60 PLN with free international postage and a badge. We would also like to invite you for guest designing in one of our next challenges. Please send us an e-mail at: in seven days after the challenge results to claim your prize. 

Drugie miejsce:
Second place:


Trzecie miejsce:
Third place:


Gratulacje!!! Dla Was mamy poniższy banerek:
Congratulations! This banner is for you:


Jeszcze raz dziękujemy za udział w naszym wyzwaniu! Zapraszamy na kolejne wyzwanie już wkrótce :)
Once again thank you so much for playing with us! We'd like to invite you to join our new challenge soon!

Zespół 13arts

Best regards,
13arts DT

Wednesday 27 August 2014

How to use modeling paste
Jak używać pasty modelującej
Video tutorial and mixed media LO by Ayeeda

Witajcie, dzisiaj mam dla Was filmik przedstawiający zastosowanie pasty modelującej 13 arts, dzielę się tam z Wami kilkoma trikami i technikami oraz pokazuję jak łatwo zrobić tło do skrapa. Film jest dostępny w polskiej i angielskiej wersji językowej, zapraszam:) 

Hello dear 13 arts friends, today I have a new video for you, this time I am showing you how to use 13 arts modeling paste, I am sharing some tips and techniques and showing how to make mixed media background for your layout. Hope you will enjoy the video:)

Feel free




Lista materiałów:
13 arts:

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Fly Away by Jelissa

Hello paper folks!

I'm up on the 13@rts blog today, sharing my first page with a black background. I had this dandelion photo in my stash for about a year now but never found the inspiration to scrap it until I wanted to try working with black patterned paper. 

I'm using papers from the "Fly Away" and "All is Love" collections from 13@rts. To create the contrast, I did masking with acrylic modelling paste, stamping in grey chalk ink and gesso instead. There was very little misting, and only in the parts where the colour can be visible.

Some close-ups:

For the colours to show, I created splatters with the mists by wetting the brush from the bottle. I also used Ayeeda matt paints very lightly watered as these have more body and leave a more solid colour on the dark background. For the papers in my layers and the chipboard, I patted on modelling paste with a palette knife to create texture.

My title is a piece from the "Fly Away" sticker sheet. I distressed it with black ink and brushed on some gesso. The paper roses were dabbed with Ayeeda Matte Paint in Caramel and bled the colours with a small amount of water. I also fussy cut out some wings and tucked them under my photo. 

13@rts products used:

And that's all I have for now. Do drop by the blog for more inspiration from the fabulous DT.
Until then, happy scrapping!


Monday 25 August 2014

Bee a Queen - a video tutorial by Olga Heldwein

Hello 13@rts fans!
Its Olga here !

Witajcie fani 13@rts !
To ja Olga.

Today I'm coming to you with a quick canvas project. Everyone sometimes needs to make something easy , quick and fun. In this case I take my mists and have some fun.
Dziś będzie szybki blejtram. Każdy czasem potrzebuje zrobić coś prostego, szybkiego tak po prostu dla zabawy. W takich wypadkach ja odprężam się mgiełkując.

Good background is here important. First thing is good background preparation. Every surface takes color differently so you have to prepare it. The best, easiest and quickest is Gesso preparation. even if at the beggining you have different background like metal, paper, wood canvas in any combination, when you give them a layer of gesso you get equal surface.
Dobre tło jest tu ważne. Zaczynam od porządnego przygotowania go. Różne powierzchnie maja różną chłonność , różnie przyjmują kolory więc trzeba je przygotować.  W takim wypadku najszybszą  i najprostsza metodą jest gessowanie. Nawet jeśli na początku tło było bardzo różnorodne z papieru, drewna płótna metalu możesz je ujednolicić za pomocą gessa. Już cienka warstwa  sprawia ze masz idealny podkład.

Now you can play with mist. Have fun, don't be afraid. Ayeeda mists are water based.. It means when you dont like what you get, you can always use water to remove colors and start all over again .
Teraz możesz zacząć mgiełkowanie . Nie bój się. Mgiełki Ayeeda są wodorozcieńczalne oznacza to że nawet jak coś pójdzie nie tak możecie psiknąć woda i zetrzeć , zacząć od nowa .
So have fun, don't be scared and enjoy creative process, colors stains, leaks and blending on colors.
Bawcie się dobrze psikajcie , chlapcie  mieszajcie  róbcie plamy i zacieki eksperymentujcie do woli.
So today I have for you canvas which I made just for fun. Its a simple project. Few embellishments and lots of fun with mists. I made video for you, so you can check out how I'm making my creative fun :)
Przechodząc do Meritum mam dla was mały pszczeli blejtram i filmik z mojego procesu kreatywnego zrobienie go zajęło mi 45 minut i była to czysta frajda z psikaniem i chlapaniem.


Sunday 24 August 2014

Tanya Palamarchuk - our new GD and her beautiful layout

Nadszedł czas by poznać naszą trzecią Gościnną projektantkę- Tanyę Palamarchuk, utalentowaną artystkę z Ukrainy. Oto co Tanya powiedziała nam o sobie.
It's time to meet our third GD- Tanya Palamarchuk, a talented artist from Ukraine. Here's what Tanya told us about herself:
My name is Tanya Palamarchuk. I live in Ukraine. Recent events in our country led to overestimate the important moments of life. I have 2 children and they are  all my life, I adore them! I love my husband and all my time I spend with my family.
Last 3 year I also love scrapbooking! Bright colors, paints, interesting technics attracted me and call in other world, world of art)
I wish you peace and kindnessю 
A oto jej piękna praca:
And here's her beautiful artwork:
My LO about my love to freedom. Sea and wind, fly of butterfly, all this things associated with freedom.
 I used fantastic paper with wood print and many cuted elements. 
I love Gesso. This one is thick and white. I played with paints and had fantastic results. 
Material list:
Naklejki / Stickers "Fly away" 
Papier "Days and nights" 
Tusz akrylowy SPLASH!
Tusz akrylowy SPLASH! 
Mgiełka pastelowa - Pastel Black 
Mgiełka pastelowa - Pastel Turquoise 
Gesso - grunt akrylowy 
Ayeeda Paint - Matte Sand 
Ayeeda Paint - Matte Mint 
Dziękujemy Tanyi za jej piękny projekt! 
Thank you Tanya for your beautiful project! 

Saturday 23 August 2014

Memories by Magda Polakow


I tried to created something different than art journal pages but I couldn't! Not this time anyway. 
More and more of my pages are black with a splash of colour. Black is one of my favourite colours for sure, I just love it.

Today I have for you my art journal pages and video. 

Ayeeda Gesso
Ayeeda Ink Splash! - White

Friday 22 August 2014

Witamy nową projektantkę!!!
Very warm welcome for our new Designer!!!

Witajcie kochani, mam dziś dla Was bardzo miłą wiadomość:) Otóż od września nasze szeregi zasili jeszcze jedna fantastyczna, ciepła, entuzjastyczna i niezwykle utalentowana projektantka. Witamy 
Nupur Patel
Nupur pochodzi z Indii, ale obecnie mieszka w Australii i będzie promować nasze produkty na obu tych rynkach:) A my wszyscy na całym świecie będziemy mieli przyjemność oglądać jej  prace.

Hello dear 13 arts friends, I have a fantastic news for you! Starting September new fabulous, warm, enthusiastic and very talented girl will join our team. A big warm welcome for 
Nupur Patel
Nupur comes from India, but currently she leaves in Australia and she will promote our products on both markets:) And we from all over the world will have a chance to look at her gorgeous projects.

Poznajmy ją bliżej
Let's meet her:

A very big Namaste and loads & loads of love.

Primarily I am so blessed and honoured to be a part of this wonderful creative 13@rts team and working with immensely talented DT members. Thank you so very much Aida for giving me this wonderful opportunity, its indeed a dream come true for me.

I am Nupur Patel, 22yrs old from Mumbai, India. I live with my loving and caring parents and my sweet little sister. I have been crafting since my early schooling years, I developed the liking and love for art and craft after having introduced to Visual arts at Ecole Mondiale World School. Playing with various colours, medias, elements and explorations opened new doors for me and lead to a new world of Mixed media, Photography, Graphic Design. After having learnt and explored the handwork it was high time that I step into Digital World and explore what more could be done to enhance my creativity and this let to a Graphic Design career. As I truly think a blend of both the handwork and digital could do wonders.Now as a Graphic Design graduate  I have started scrapbooking to unleash my creativity and reach new horizons. Traveling, Capturing and Trapping memories are my inspirations to Enter the World of Scrapbooking. Scrapbooking is a very huge World in itself, there is a lot more learn, to explore, to meet new people, reach new horizons and much more.

A oto kilka prac Nupur z użyciem naszych produktów, czyż nie są wspaniałe?
And here you cen see few Nupur's projects with our products, aren't they amazing?


Zdjęcie: Conquer...@Scrap Africa - July Challenge it is...
with the amazing 13Arts products <3

Welcome on board:)
We can't wait for your creations:)


I will always remember this day when... {mini-album} by Irina Honcharyk

Irina Honcharyk is here with my new project for 13 arts. 
This is a mini album about a trip to the Mir Castle.  
Gorgeous emotions from the trip, which I decided to arrange in the album.

The album also includes memorabilia - tickets!

it has many small cards with photos

and my album has a lot of color.

I actively use 13 аrts' sprays and paints 

13@rts products used:
Have a great day!