Sunday 30 December 2018

Winter Inspired Mixed Media Canvas & Video Tutorial

witajcie :) Zapraszam Was do obejrzenia mojego najnowszego filmiku,
w którym krok po kroku pokazuję jak stworzyłam zimowy blejtram :)

I invite you to watch my latest video, where I show how I created
the winter inspired canvas :)

Widzieliście cudne tekturkowe napisy z 13arts
Po prostu śliczne, ja mój zembossowałam na biało i jest piękny!

I have embossed mine in white and it looks stunning!

 Filmik: / Video tutorial:

Wszystkiego dobrego z okazji Świąt Bożego Narodzenia!
Have a wonderful Christmas!!
Thanks a lot :)

Products used:

Saturday 29 December 2018

Memories - layout by Aida

 I just adore new "On the wall" collection. I created a bit messy, but still nice girly layout with some fussy-cut elements from papers and foils. The background is made mostly with stencils (with ink and sponge and modeling paste) and some watercolors.

Uwielbiam naszą nową kolekcję "On the wall" i tym razem stworzyłam z niej nieco bałaganiarski, ale całkiem fajny "babski" layout :) Do kompozycji użyłam wyciętych elementów z papierów A4 z tej samej kolekcji oraz folii. Tło stanowią głównie wzory wykonane za pomocą szablonów (gąbeczką i tuszem oraz z pastą modelującą). Kolorów dodają nasze niezastąpione akwarele. 


I used:
13 arts flowers


Thursday 27 December 2018


Hello dear friends

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and Boxing day. With both of them now truly passed I thought I would create something a bit romantic using our beautiful new Amour Collection and matching On the Wall A4 papers.

Products used:

I started off by affixing 2 sheets of the A4 Amour collection together to create a 12x12 background. Note that you will need 2x paper pads if you try this at home.

Next I fussy cut flowers from 5 sheets of the On The Wall papers. You will see the flowers of one of these papers are slightly smaller than the other.

I stamped my background with script text and leaves and added modeling paste using the new Bonjour stencil.

I layered a bit of Ecru roots, lace and my fussy cut embellishments to create texture on my layout.

Last but not least I matt my photo and added some sentiment words using some of our stunning new sticker collections.

Thank you so much for visiting us today. I hope you have enjoyed your time here. Till next time have fun, enjoy crafting and warm wishes for the rest of the festive season.

Tuesday 25 December 2018

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :)

Today is a very special day, so we would like to send you the warmest Christmas wishes 
from  13 arts team. Thank you very much for another year you have spent with us, for supporting us not only by buying our products , but also for leaving so many likes and warm comments - this truly gives so much support for our team's members. This is encouraging us for and give us new ideas and energy to plan another year with you, to plan more workshops, to create, design new collections and more new products :) So to all 13 arts fans and supporters 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2019! 
Let it be a great year for you and your families 
full of joy, and happy creative time:)


Dziś jest szczególny dzień, chcielibyśmy więc złożyć Wam serdeczne życzenia Świąteczne od całego zespołu 13 arts. Dziękujemy, ze spędziliście kolejny rok z nami, dziękujemy za wsparcie, które okazujecie nam nie tylko poprzez kupowanie naszych produktów, ale również poprzez wszystkie miłe komentarze, które zostawiacie po pracami naszych projektantów, To naprawdę wiele znaczy dla nas, inspiruje nas, dodaje energii i dzięki  temu już planujemy na nowy rok kolejne warsztaty, nowe kolekcje i produkty. Wszystkim fanom  i klientom 13 arts życzymy

 Radosnych i Szczęśliwych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia
oraz Wszystkiego Najlepszego w Nowym Roku 2019!
Niech to będzie wspaniały rok dla Was i Waszych rodzin
pełen radości i wielu kreatywnych chwil :) 


To make these wishes complete (as it is craft blog ;)  I would like to show you  and inspire you with
few Christmas projects  I have created. Maybe you can already plan your Christmas projects for next year :) 

Na naszym  blogu, życzenia nie byłyby pełne bez kilku Świątecznych prac.  Chciałbym pokazać Wam dziś kilka zimowych projektów i być może zainspirować do tworzenia już na kolejne Święta ;)

Album w pudełku / Album in a box

Zimowy domek / Winter Bird House

Christmas baubles / Bombki akrylowe
(inspired by Olga's beautiful baubles:)

Merry Christmas


Monday 24 December 2018

"Today and Tomorrow" Art Journal Page by Fiona

Hello 13 Arts friends, Fiona here with you today to share an art journal page I have created incorporating my "Conversations on Trains" A4 paper collection for 13 Arts.

"Today is the good old times of tomorrow" is the title I have chosen for this old vintage style page.

The Conversations on Trains papers work perfectly with my abstract vintage style. I made them with this kind of art in mind and I am so happy with how they have turned out and how well they compliment my creations.

Teamed up with the 13 Arts paint ranges they work a treat. All the colours blend beautifully and the grungy style is a wonderful background effect for my art journal.

 13 Arts products used:

Thank you so much for popping by.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.

Friday 21 December 2018

Colorful time

It's the most wonderful time of the year!
Don't you think?
Well, I love December even it's hard to cook, bake and clean all the time.
This year I made several smaller and bigger canvases as an addition to other girft.
I am going to show you my trio now.

This time I  used definitly more colors 

I still try different proportions with paint water and medium.
Working on bigger canvas and much more cells with new mediums.
Until next time in 2019!

Wishing you Happy New Year 
and Merry Christmas !
Agnieszka Bellaidea


Płótna i t
ablice malarskie

Thursday 20 December 2018

Christmas Traditions with Shona

Hello 13@rts Fans!! It is that time of year and I am wrapping gifts and I love to adorn them with home made tags! The NEW Christmas Traditions papers are just perfect and will look beautiful on my gifts.

I did layers of papers for the base of my tags! I than added some embellishments with Gel Medium. Twine, 13 Arts Flowers, Dried Casuarina and Bleached Cones. The 13 Arts store is a huge variety of embellishments to add to your projects!!!

On the large tag I added a Christmas Traditions sticker and finished them all off with some 3D Balls and Gold Microspheres, and some touched of Snow Cap paint on the edges.

That is it for me today… I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!!! Take care and happy scrapping!!

13@rts Product List

Wednesday 19 December 2018