Sunday 30 March 2014

Always Belive in Yourself - layout by or GD Patricia Basson

Dzisiaj chcielibyśmy Wam pokazać wspaniały projekt przygotowany przez naszą gościnną projektantkę Patricię Basson. Patricia zrobiła dla nas wspaniałe LO!

Today we would like to show you another stunning project by our GD Patricia Basson. Patricia made a beautiful layot for us!

Hello friends...

Last time I scrapped a page of my oldest daughter at her Matric Farewell Dance, this time I am scrapping the youngest daughter.
 I have used the paper Wind in your Hair from the Faces of Spring collection as a base.I started of by treating it with a mask and the Yellow Amber Chalk mist. I then applied some Ultramarine Mist with a plastic bag. I used the Gesso as texture through a second mask. Next I applied splatters with the Turquoise and Peach Paints and also used the Turquoise to do some stamping with.
 I inked the Cogs with black ink and stamped with the Turquoise Paint. The green leaves I Gesso'd, then painted with the Peach Paint and once dry I stamped on them as well with the Turquoise Paint. I also embossed a little with black embossing powder.
The Frame Plate was also embossed and the edges painted with Turquoise Paint.
 I applied some Gesso to the tips of the flowers and also some of the Silver Glitter Paint. The small flowers got a little Turquoise Paint on the tips.
I used cut outs from Only for Girls as Mats behind the photos. 
When I started this page, I had something less arty and messy in mind, but it seems that working with Ayeeda Paints and mediums brings the artist out after a while, for it soon got messy on my table!!! Please visit the 13arts on-line shop if you are interested in any of the products I have used...

Faces of Spring Collection; Hair in the WindOnly for Girls

Thank you for viewing my page...Wishing you all a fabulous week...
Patricia Basson 
Thank you Patricia!

Saturday 29 March 2014

Golden layouts from Ciri

dzisiaj chciałam pokazać dwie prace, zrobione w podobnym stylu, z użyciem dużej ilości mojej ulubionej złotej mgiełki.

Today I wanted to show you two layouts, done in a similar style, with my favorite golden mist.

Photo: Ian Norman
I used:

Ayeeda mists - gold, chalk blue light
papers from Faces of Spring collection - Hair in the wind, Only for girls

Photo: Guillaume
I used:

                                                                     modeling paste
                                                      Ayeeda mists - gold, pastel raspberry
paper from Timeless collection - Remember when
                                       paper from Faces of Spring collection - Only for girls

Friday 28 March 2014

Double NARNIA by Agnieszka Bellaidea

Zima w tym roku trwała zdecydowanie za długo!
Niedawno zrobiłam podwójne LO wykorzystując rózne produckty 13 arts.

Dwie strony "Zimnej ściany" potraktowałam gesso używjąc masek.

Kilka wycinanek, stempli, piórek i wspaniały ręcznie robiony kwiat z 13 arts  udekorowały prawą stronę mojej pracy.

Moja lewa strona utrzymana została w różowej tonacji.
Farbki, perełki, piórka, kwiay i wycinanki też znalazły swoje miejsce.

Różowe nitki z kleju to wynik pomalowania ich farbkami 13 arts, te po prawej stronie zostały pomalowane w kolorze zielonym i niebieskim.

Pozdrawiam serdecznie i życzę Wam miłego weekendu!

Thursday 27 March 2014

Wyniki wyzwania #16 // Challenge #16 winner and features


Wyzwanie #16 dobiegło końca, zatem przyszedł czas ogłosić wyniki. Wybór zwycięzcy nie był łatwy, ale w wyniku głosowania całego DT zdecydowaliśmy, że najbardziej urzekła nas praca, której autorką jest:

Challenge #16 has come to an end, so it's time for results! It was very hard to choose one best project, but our DT decided, that the winner ist:

Gratulujemy! W nagrodę otrzymujesz bon na zakupy sklepie 13 arts o wartości 60 zł z darmową przesyłką oraz poniższy banerek. Zapraszamy Cię również do gościnnego projektowania do jednych z naszych kolejnych wyzwań. 

Congratulations! You will receive a voucher for shopping in 13 arts store worth  60 PLN with free international postage and a badge. We would also like to invite you for guest designing in one of our next challenges. Please send an e-mail on in seven days after the challenge results to claim your prize. 

Drugie miejsce:
Second place:

Trzecie miejsce:
Third place:

Gratulacje! Dla Was mamy poniższy banerek:
Congratulations! This banner is for you:

Jeszcze raz dziękujemy za ta liczny udział w naszym wyzwaniu! Zapraszamy na kolejne wyzwanie już wkrótce :)
Once again thank you so much for playing with us! We'd like also to invite you to join our new challenge soon!

Zespół 13arts

Best regards,
13arts DT

Two great layouts by our GD Polina Konoga

 Dzisiaj chcielibyśmy zaprezentować dwie wspaniałe prace wykonane przez naszą Gościnną Projektantkę Polinę Konogę. Czy chcielibyście dowiedzieć się o niej czegoś więcej? Oto co powiedziała nam o sobie.

Today we would like to show you two great projects by our Guest Designer Polina Konoga. Do you want to know something more about Polina? Here's her short bio:


"My name is Polina, but in the scrap community I use nickname "Kalipssa". I live in Minsk (Belarus) with my 3-years old daughter, work as a journalist in a national newspaper. I'm 29.
I started scrapping about 3 years ago and don't wanna stop. I can't imagine my life without good music,coffee and my scrap riches: paper, paint, etc. Scrapbooking is the best way to sublimate, reflection and rest from everyday worries. It's a way to find something new inside myself this and is a modest attempt to show my own feelings and emotions. My big love in scrapbooking is creating layouts. But now I  don't alien to other experiments. In particular, in the near future I plan to start PL."

A teraz obejrzyjmy jej piękne prace!
And now let's see her beautiful layouts!

"Hello, friends!
Today I wanna present you 2 different layouts about my daughter.
The first one is inspired by the mood of retro photo. I decided to combine brown and gray colors, I also used gesso, chipboard and mist.
 I love chipboard "cogs" and used it with paper elements:

 I also love feathers

Used materials

 Mist Chalk - Chalk Dark Brown-

The second project is much easier - there is more air here.

I decided to combine white, yellow and blue colors, which I associate with spring
 I put Gesso on the frame and then used blue mist. Blue flower and feathers with this photo are the main heroes of this layout
 Used materials

Gesso - 120ml acrylic primer - Gesso - 120ml acrylic primer

best regards!"
Thank you Polina! 

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Easter cards by Matilde

Ponieważ Święta już niebawem postanowiłam zaprezentować Wam dwie kartki z użyciem, a jakże, odrobiny mediów :)

Easter are coming soon, so I'd like to show you two Easter cards. I've used obviously a little bit of media :)

To jajko potraktowałam gesso nałożonym przez maskę. Całość spryskałam bezbarwną mgiełką perłową, żeby nadać delikatny połysk.

This egg has a texture made of gesso, which was applied through a mask. Then I sprayed a Pearl Clear Mist that gives a bit of shine and shimmer.

A to jajko pofarbowałam kredową mgiełką w kolorze Yellow Amber.

And this egg was dyed with Ayeeda Chalk Mist - Yellow Amber.

Na obu kartkach porobiłam drobne kropeczki kredową mgiełką w kolorze Dark Brown.

I've  finished both cards with some splatters from Chalk Dark Brown Mist.

W pracy wykorzystałam następujące produkty marki 13arts:

I've used 13 arts products:

Pozdrawiam serdecznie!


Tuesday 25 March 2014

A Timeless layout by Nadia

Hi there everyone! It's Nadia here with you today . 

Today I want to share with you my latest layout for 13arts. 

I have used the gorgeous Timeless collection  once again and I simply must say it is possibly on of my MOST fave collections of any manufacturer ever! 

I also used some 13arts mixed media products here which I will detail below. 

Remember all 13arts products are available at the 13arts store HERE or The Flying Unicorn HERE 

 This is my husband and my middle daughter. They pretty much are a carbon copy of each other LOL 

 I started by applying some 13arts Gesso in a T section across the page before adhering some strips of the Timeless collection papers, stamps, masking tape, tissue tape and hexagon cut outs. 

I added some of the cool Timeless collection chipboard speech bubbles and die cuts. 

 All my flowers here are also from 13arts. I applied some beautiful blue ink from 13arts too. 

Materials List
(products are available at the 13arts store HERE or The Flying Unicorn HERE 
Paper: 13arts Timeless
Ink: 13arts blue, 13arts black
Flowers: 13arts
Chipboard: 13arts Timeless collection
Sequins: 13arts
Gesso, Gel Medium, Modelling paste: 13arts

Have a great day!!
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