Witam Was w ostatni dzień czerwca, a zarazem ostatni dzień "urzędowania" naszego obecnego zespołu ... Chciałabym napisać kika słów od siebie do odchodzacych z dniem dzisiejszym projetantek.
Trochę mi smutno żegnać się z Wami, ale tak to jest... coś się kończy, a coś zaczyna i mam nadzieję, że dla Was będzie to wspaniały początek:) Chciałabym serdecznie podziękować Wam za współtworzenie tego miejsca przez ostatnie miesiące. Dziękuję Wam z całego serca, jesteście wszystkie wspaniałymi osobami i bardzo miło się z Wami współpracowało, jestem pewna, że nie raz spotkamy się w "scrapowym świecie" :)
Wszystkie osoby, z którymi miałam zaszczyt współpracować mają niezwykły talent, Wasze projekty powodowały szybsze bicie serca i z pewnością będziemy do nich niejednokrotnie wracać. Dziękuję Wam!
Today is the last day of June and the last day of current design team term...
I would like to say few words to the designers on their last day here.
I am a bit sad, because I really love all the girls, but that's life... something is coming to an end, and something begins at the same time, and I keep my fingers crossed for all of you, for the good beginnings!
I would like to thank you very much for the time we spent together in the team, you are all amazing and very talented!!! It was so easy to work with you! I am sure we will still be friends and meet often in our scrapping community. I will miss your work, I am sure I will often look back and see your amazing projects again, and I thank you with all my heart!
Pożegnajmy nasze wspaniałe dziewczyny, przypomnijmy sobie kilka ich prac i życzmy im powodzenia:)
Please say Goodbye to the girls, let's remember their artworks and wish them all the best:)
my dear friend, awesome artist, kind and wonderful Nadia -
- her mixed media pages and all the designs were always totally stunning
amazingly talented, artistic soul, so friendly and kind Maryia
we loved her unique style, her mixed media projects were absolutely outstanding
sweet, very talented fantastic Natalia
- her works were always so emotional and gorgeous

very enthusiastic, friendly and kind Vicky,
who's artworks were always full of colors, details and eye-catching

my close friend, so smart, kind and wonderful Matilde,
who gave so much heart and talent to the team, we loved her tags and artjournal pages
very kind, lovely person and marvelous artist Mona
- we loved her soft and beautiful artworks,
she has shown that mixed media techniques are for everyone

my dear friend Dorota, artistic soul, poet,
who's artjournal pages and layout were often dramatic and so beautiful!

and last but not least, my very close friend, wonderful person and amazing artist Ania - Lakuna
- we loved her masterfully designed cards, beautiful layouts and other projects
