Wednesday 11 June 2014

New Design Team and Guest Design Teams announcement!

Witajcie kochani:) Dziękuję wszystkim, którzy przesłali swoje zgłoszenia, poświęcili czas na przedstawienie siebie i swojej twórczości.  Chyba możecie sobie wyobrazić jak trudno wybrać kilka osób spośród ponad osiemdzięciu zgłoszeń. Zgłosiły się do nas osoby z całego świata, osoby niezwykłe, znane i mniej znane, ale wszystkie naprawdę wspaniałe. Dziękuję Wam z całego serca za chęć podjęcia współpracy z nami.

Hello:) At the beginning I want to say thank you to all who sent their applications, you put a lot of time and heart to show us yourself and your artwork. You can imagine how hard is was to choose only few designers from over 80 talented applicants - amazing people have applied and I want to thank you with all my heart for that, so many wonderful people want to cooperate with us and this is really an honor.

Z końcem czerwca pożegnamy kilka CUDOWNYCH osób, które współtworzyły 13 arts przez ostatnie miesiące, ale na pożegnanie i ogromne podziękowania przyjdzie jeszcze czas. Dziś poznamy nowy skład naszego zespołu. Zobaczycie kilka znajomych i kilka nowych twarzy - począwszy od lipca ten zespół będzie współtworzył to miejsce. 

Soon we will say goodbye to some AMAZING designers who were here with us for past months, but it is not that time today, we will soon thank them for all their hard work and commitment - I just love these girls! Today we will reveal our new Design Team - you will see some familiar and some new faces.  Starting July this team will be creating this place :)

Od lipca zajda pewne zmiany, nasz zespół będzie podzielony na Edukatorów, którzy będą nas przede wszystkim uczyć nowych technik, będą prezentować produkty, robić kursy i prowadzić warsztaty po naszą marka itp. oraz Projektantki, które będą nas inspirować i pokazywać jak wykorzystać nasze produkty w różnych stylach, technikach i formach.

Starting July, our team will be split for Educators, who will mainly teach us, show us new techniques, make tutorials and teach classes under our brand and Designers, who will inspire us with their versatile projects, styles and techniques. 

Oto nasz wspaniały zespół 13 arts 
Lipiec 2014-Kwiecień2015:
Please welcome our amazing 
July 2014 - April 2015 Design Team:




Poland/United Kingdom





Hello! My name is Anna Rogalska. I live in Poland. I am garden designer. I've been scrapbooking for nearly 6 years. My scrapping style is romantic, a little shabby and mixed-media. I am definitely a flower addict! My favourite forms are layouts, cards and tags. I love to collect inks, paints, mists, masks and then use them in my work. 


My name is Irina Honcharyk, in the virtual world - Rulya. I live in Belarus. I am a fatalist, who likes to read A.P. Chekhov, E.M. Remark and listen to rock asid-jazz, green tea in the mornings and evenings. Scrap in my life came at a time when the intellectual work became too much. Scrapbooking - this is my rest, therapy and alternative living. It's also a great opportunity to express emotions, thoughts, and save the pleasant moments of my life. I like to work with paints, spray, texture paste. Be yourself in creativity is happiness.


My name is Jelissa and I live in Singapore, a little island with summer year round. I hold a PhD in Biology, but find my passion and love in scrapbooking. It all started when my eldest son was born and I wanted to record his childhood memories. As my second boy was born, it slowly became an outlet and respite away from a very stressful day job. I cannot work on a project without adding mediums; they allow me to explore and make mistakes. If I want to start all over again, all I need is gesso. I believe in a learning attitude no matter what situation I am in, and always to test my limits and break through them. 


Hello everyone! My name is Melenia (in real life, it's Mary).  I live in an island of Greece and am mother of 2 kids, as well as an Airport Authority Officer at our local airport.  I started scrapbooking in 2009, but I got more involved in 2011.  I'm a layout designer and I love working with masks, inks, pastes, mists.  I think my style is still evolving, so I can't put a name on it, but my pages contain clusters with different kind of embellies, which I "glue together" with paints, mists and inks.   I love colours and shapes, which I always tryto combine harmoniously!  I also love totell stories and to express thoughts and dreams, through my pages.  In this way I seek to store all the preciousmemories that can so easily be forgotten over time and in the stress ofeveryday life.  My purpose is always toachieve balance and harmony in everything I create! 


Hi, my name is Natalya . I'm from wonderful city Zaporozhye, in Ukraine. I am a mom of two little sons-twins - very cheerful, nimble and terribly energetic))) I'm madly in love with my family, my sons and husband - they are my endless inspiration. Creativity - this is my energy, my breath of air, without which I can not live. I have another hobbies, but scrapbooking became an essential part of my lifeMore than two years ago, I discovered the world of scrapbooking - world of colors and beauty. And now I can not even imagine how I've been living without it before.I am very pleased to be in such a wonderful creative team! I wish you all lots of fun, inspiration and vivid emotions with 13arts!



We have also invited Guest Designers:

Guest Design Team August 2014 - October 2014
Ilona Tondos-Zbieg  - Poland/Ireland
Amy Lynne Lassiter - USA
Marta Piekarczyk - Poland
Tanya Palamarchuk - Ukraine

Guest Design Team Nov 2014 - January 2015
Agata Perkowska - Poland
Edyta Zięcina Łabno - Poland
Anna Sigga Eyjolfsdottir - Iceland
Alexandra Polyzou - Greece

Guest Design Team Feb 2015 - April 2015
Elena Morgun - Ukraine
 Céline Régnier - France
Rikki Graziani - Australia
Irena Kowalczyk - Poland

Dziękuję, już się nie mogę doczekać Waszych inspiracji.
Thank You and I can't wait to see your creations.


  1. Gratuluję wszystkim dziewczynom!!! Fantastyczny zespół!!!

  2. Piękny DT :)
    dziękuję za szansę bycie GP :)

    gratuluję wszystkim

  3. congratulations, ladies! wonderful team, can't wait to see your projects :)

  4. Gratuluję i czekam na nowe prace!

  5. Congratulations to all the old and new designers and also the Guest designers...We are in for some amazing works again this year!!!

  6. Gratulacje dziewczyny! / Congrats girls!!!!

  7. Congratulations to all new DT! <3

  8. Bog congrats ladies & also a big congrats to you too Aida for picking such a wonderful team. Cheers Di

  9. Huge congrats to all!!! Have fun!!!xx

  10. Congrats to all - this is an a amazing team and I am honored to be one f the Guest designers!

  11. Świetny zespół! Gratulacje :)

  12. Looks like a fantastic team! I am very happy I can still design for 13 arts!

  13. Congrats girls, amazing team ! I'm so happy and proud to be Guest Designer, thank you so much <3
