Tuesday 30 September 2014

How to mix colors - a video tutorial and some projects by Olga Heldwein

Hello !
It's me again and today I would like to continue color combos topic. How to match color for your works? I would suggest color circle rule and to know more about it watch my video

Cześć !
To znowu ja! Dziś chciałabym powrócić do tematu połączeń kolorystycznych . Jak wybierać kolory żeby pasowały? Ja używam koła barw i szerzej mówię o nim w filmiku ( niestety mam tylko anglojęzyczna wersję )

The other way is to prepare yourself a pack of swatches for products you have. Instead mixing colors directly on work  try firs how they look together. In the video I'm showing my testing backgrounds and below you will find quick recipe for background.

Innym sposobem jest przygotowanie sobie całego pakietu próbek i zamiast psikać na czuja najpierw sprawdzamy połączenie na próbkach :) Pozwala to mi przynajmniej uniknąć wielu wpadek :). W video mogliście zauważyć moje szybkie strony ćwiczebne. Jak przygotować sobie taka szybką rozgrzewkę pokazuje poniżej.

The other way is to fit existing color palete on your photo or on main elements on your work.
Dopasowuje paletę do kolorów zdjęcia.

I decided that I need fluo green so I made it in a small mister from pastel yellow and little bit of turquoise .
Postanowiłam dodać kolor fluo i zmajstrowałam sobie zielony z chalk yellow z odrobinką turkusu.
Im spraying my colors on plastic wrap.
Rozpylam kolory na folii

With bublle wrap im stamping dots . I'm repiting this few times
Stempluje nimi folią babelkową. Używam białego kartonu i powtarzam przenoszenie tuszu kilka razy
Than I'm just making few spots with Fuchia
Kilka rozbryzgów z Fuksji
Cuting my background into pieces and placing on art journal page or spare piece of paper
Tnę moje tło na kawałki
I'm making a simple, quick composition around my photos
Robię szybka prostą i raczej płaska kompozycję. To tylko ćwiczenie wiec nie przejmuję się za bardzo.
Adding little bit of texture paste and some sayings, and my qiuck pre-work exercise is complete
Dodaje kilka tekturek i pasty  i gotowe . zrobienie takiej kartki zajmuje mi ok 20 min . Zawsze coś tam sobie testuje przed rozpoczęciem pracy . taki sposób na rozruszanie rąk przed właściwa pracą :)
During the video I was showing two backgrounds. Here you can see them. I turned one of them into fall decor with some dried nature elements
W trakcie video pokazuje też dwa tła na blejtramach . Jedno z nich przerobiłam na jesienny dekor z zasuszonymi gałązkami.

Used materials:

Monday 29 September 2014

A new addition to our TEAM - welcome Jacqueline Moore!!!

Mamy dla Was informację dotyczącą składu naszego zespołu, niestety z przyczyn osobistych Nupur Patel nie będzie z nami współpracować, jednakże mamy też bardzo dobrą wiadomość - od października będzie z nami współpracować niezwykle uzdolniona australijska projektantka - Jacqueline Moore. Powitajmy ciepło Jacqueline:)

We have an announcement to make about a new member our team. Unfortunately Nupur Patel will not be joining us due to personal matters, but we have invited another AMAZING artist and talented Australian designer Jacqueline Moore.
Welcome Jacqueline :)

Hi!!!! My name is Jacqueline and I'm a 25 year old, Stay at Home Mommy to an adorable 3 year old boy named Jet. We live in Perth Western Australia. I have been scrapbooking for around 7 years now, however it has only been since my Son was born that I really started to get into it. I love working with mixed-media, bright colors, lots of layers, dimension, and distressed edges!!! I mostly create layouts, though on occasion I will put together a card, layout, mini-album or some other OTP project. My Son is definitely my biggest inspiration when creating, though I am occasionally inspired by the most unexpected things. At the moment all my creations are made in our backyard under the patio as there isn't enough space inside. I actually really enjoy it, particularly in summer.

I am so grateful to Aida for giving me the opportunity to become part of such a wonderful, talented team and for the chance to work with such amazing products here at 13 @rts. It really is a dream come true!! You can find my creations on my blog 


Please have a look at some Jacqueline Moore's artworks:

Isn't she amazing?

Welcome Jacqueline!

Sunday 28 September 2014

Dream - with our GD Amy Lassiter

Dzisiaj pokażemy Wam piękny layout wykonany przez naszą Gościnną Projektantkę- Amy Lassiter. Oto co Amy powiedziała nam o swoim projekcie:
Today we're going to show you a beautiful layout which was made by our talented Guest Designer - Amy Lassiter. Here's what Amy told us about her project:


Hello all, it's Amy here this beautiful September day, to share another layout I have created as a guest designer. 
I really enjoyed something new, by using the dark paper for this project. It added a lot of contrast to everything, and made the mediums pop off of the page with color and texture.
I did a bit of stamping before using the clock chipboard as an embellishment. I stamped using the Ayeeda Paint in white, just smoothed on the back with my fingers. I liked how it ghosted the image on the dark background. 
The splashes of paint and ink really draw the eye with their sheen and shimmer. Adding movement with the clocks, twine and embellishments made this a project I really had a fun time creating. 
I hope you liked my project today, and that you were inspired to create!

Chrysanthemum mini- Peach
White Paper Flowers

Dziękujemy Amy za jej piękny projekt!
Thank you Amy for your beautiful project! 

Saturday 27 September 2014

Friday 26 September 2014

Sweet - by Melenia

Hello everyone!

It's Melenia today with a brand new page!  This layout is about two very sweet babies, children of a good friend of mine, whom I find just adorable (I think you will agree with me!).

Lots of mixed media techniques in this layout: misting, masking, splattering, inking... everything done with the awesome 13 Arts media!

A cluster of different materials, accented by glitter and inks

I have inked the edges of the photo, in order to define its shape against the embellishments and to make it stand out

Products used:

Thursday 25 September 2014

Be happy with Natalya Loi

Hello everyone!

Natalya Loi is here. Today I want to show you my new project for the 13 Arts!
I made a page about my  brother. He is young, energetic and very interesting guy. I love him very much and of course I wish him to be happy! Very happy!

Some details:

Oh! How I love sparkles 

and butterflies...they give feeling of freedom

13@rts products used:

Thank you for your attention! 
Natalya Loi with ♥!!!

Wednesday 24 September 2014

I'll Always Remember with Jelissa

Hi everyone, how has your week been?

September has always been a bittersweet month for me. Sweet because the husband and me got married in this month, bitter because this is also the month where my little baby of 9 years died of a stomach infection and left us. He's a very sweet Golden Retriever with the most amazing temperament and he passed on just a couple of months after my eldest was born. So I'm dedicating today's post to him.

I've used 13arts' Timeless collection here, as well as Ayeeda Pearl and Chalk mists to add color onto the project. 

Some details:

Flowers and a piece of chipboard altered with Ayeeda Pearl Mist in Brown, and using "Perfect Moment" as my background paper.

The other part of my floral cluster.

Stickers and circles which I punched out from "Today, Tomorrow, Always".

Stenciled with some black paste using the Mask - Flying Shapes and some random stamping in the background.

And lastly a sticker which I've used as part of my title. 

That's all I have to share today. Thanks for dropping by!

13 arts products used: