Sunday 21 September 2014

Two beautiful layouts by Tanya Palamarchuk

To nasze ostatnie spotkanie z utalentowaną projektantką Tanyą Palamarchuk. Tanya przygotowała dwa niezwykłe layouty ze zdjęciami swojej rodziny i przyjaciółki.
It's our last meeting with our talented Guest Designer - Tanya Palamarchuk. Tanya created two amazing layouts with pictures of her family and friend.

This a LO about my darling husband and our older daughter. We were on the beach and I took many snap-shot with them. They love spending time together.
This is a LO which I made for my virtual friend Julia) I saw this photo in her blog and I was very inspired!
Dziękujemy Tanyi za jej piękne projekty i bycie naszym Gościem. 
Thank you Tanya for your beautiful projects and being our Guest.