Saturday 30 December 2017

Final project from Natasha ZevaseNa

Grudzień to ostatni miesiąc z naszymi Gościnnymi Projektantkami. Oto kilka pięknych ozdób, które  Natasha wykonała jako swój finałowy projekt. 

December is the last month with our Guest Designers. Here are some beautiful ornaments made by  Natasha as her final project!

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Hello everyone from Natasha ZevaseNa!
Here's my last post for 13arts!
The time goes so fast!
I want to thank you for giving me this opportunity to be a small part of your team!
And thank's for all the materials, it was a pleasure working with them!!
I wish you good luck and further prosperity!!

And because my last post turns out at New Year's Eve, I wanted to make something that you can't go celebrate New Year without - of course it's New Year's toys)

The basis of the toys is scrapbooking paper, 12x12 inch. "Strength in numbers" collection.
With Thick, quick drying acrylic primer, white, I made "snow". I've also added Water based, acrylic ink, and snowflakes turned out.

Added Ayeeda Powder 3D - silver, tiny microspheres and for the flickering and glitters I've added Ayeeda Powder 3D.
And of course I've made some sketches)

Friends! Happy New Year!!
I wish you warmth, joy, unlimited amount of happiness and a lot of good moments in a New Year!
Till we meet again!

Products used:

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Jeśli podobają Wam się prace Natashy, możecie nadal śledzić je na jej kanałach społecznościowych:
If you like Natasha's projects, you can still follow her on her social media channels:

Friday 29 December 2017

"Sweet" A Layout by Fiona

Hello beautiful 13@rts friends. Well the year is almost over and we will soon be welcoming 2018. What a year it has been and boy how I am looking forward to next year. So many more exciting adventures ahead.

For my last post for 2017 I would like to show you a layout I have designed from the new collection "Until Dawn".

As soon as I pulled this range out of the box I was in love!! It is so beautiful and I couldn't wait to start creating with it.

I have a selection of head shots of my sister (she is an actress in Sydney) and I like to show case them in dramatic yet pretty creations, just like her.

I fussy cut A LOT of pieces to create this layout but every snip was definitely worth it for the end result!

13 Arts products:

Happy New Year
See you all again in 2018 xxx

Thursday 28 December 2017

Challenge Results / Wyniki Wyzwania #61

Czas ogłosić zwycięzców naszego Wyzwania! Cieszymy się, że było dla Was inspirujące. Dostaliśmy tyle pięknych zgłoszeń, że niełatwo było wybrać zwycięzcę! Ostatecznie zdecydowaliśmy, że najbardziej podoba nam się praca od: 

It's time to announce our Challenge winners! We're happy that our challenge was inspiring for you. So many beautiful projects! It was very hard to choose one winner! We've decided that project we like the most is from: 


Gratulacje! Otrzymujesz od nas nagrodę niespodziankę o wartości 60zł z darmową wysyłką. Zapraszamy Cię również do gościnnego występu w jednym z naszych kolejnych wyzwań. Wyślij nam proszę e-mail na adres: w ciągu 7 dni od ogłoszenia wyników, aby odebrać swoją nagrodę. Mamy też dla Ciebie banerek.

Congratulations! You will receive a gift from 13@rts store worth 60 PLN with free international postage. We would also like to invite you for guest designing in one of our next challenges. Please send us an e-mail at: in seven days after the challenge results to claim your prize. We also have a badge for you.

Tradycyjnie już chcielibyśmy wyróżnić też kilka innych prac. Gratulacje dla: 

As always, we picked some other projects to feature as well.
Congrats to...




Fantastyczne prace dziewczyny!
Great projects Ladies!

Jeszcze raz dziękujemy wszystkim za udział w naszym comiesięcznym wyzwaniu blogowym. Aby umilić Wam oczekiwanie na kolejne, przypominamy, że wciąż trwa wyzwanie w naszej grupie na FB- ARTelier. Tam także czeka na Was nagroda! 

Again, huge thank you for joining our monthly challenge in our blog. While waiting the next, remember to take a part in our challenge in 13arts' ARTelier group on Facebook. There is a great prize too!

Wednesday 27 December 2017

Snow postcard with rabbit by Kate

Hello and gentle snow to you!;)

Today I will show you the snow postcard with rabbit from the new collection  UNTIL DAWN 13@rts! This collection is simply beautiful and universal! Have you seen it yet?:) 
See how the snowflakes shine? These are new shades Acrylic ink SPLASH! 13@rts

Monday 25 December 2017

"Gorgeous" Mixed media LO by Christina

Hello there 13Arts fans and Merry Christmas to all of you!!!!! I hope the new year to bring all of you happiness and joy in your lives!!!!
Well , today it s my turn to show you my project and for this time I used red colour on my LO , even though it 's not a Christmas project.

I used the new stencils and red glitter for my backround to give some interest , because bleu and red are opposite colours and a favourite combo.

I really enjoyed using the new transparences in my project. I have cut the insect and the word "Gorgeous" as my title. I have also used some ribbons , gaze and some chippies .

Some more details above. ... 
I really hope you have enjoyed my project and have been inspired!!!!

Products used:


Friday 22 December 2017

Card and Gift bag by Sandra

Just before Christmas, I would like to show you a card and a gift bag I made with Alice and Candyland collection.

The transparency is really great to use in different form. I used it as the front of my card. I added some splash! gold glitter on to make more shinning side.

I used a lot of 13arts flowers to decorate. 
The bag are made by myself with a paper from Alice and candyland collection.

here's pictures and closed up

13arts products I used:

Hapy Christmas time everyone!! 
see you next year!
San xx

Wednesday 20 December 2017

"Day at the Beach" by Kareen Dion

Hello everyone!!
It's Kareen with you today!
I present you a layout with the new collection "Until Dawn",
isn't it fabulous? I'm absolutely in love with this collection!!

And there is a video process for this layout!
So here is my page : 

Some close-ups : 

Here is the video process : 

13@rts material used : 

Others products : 
- 3D Balls medium

Thank you so much for stopping by
and see you next time!

Monday 18 December 2017

Gdzie jest Alicja? / Where is Alice?

he hej :)
Powiedziałabym, że Alicja jest w krainie czarów ale nie tym razem. Wybrała się na wycieczkę do 
fabryki cukierków i przywiozła mi piękne papiery :)

I would say Alice is in wonderland but not this time! She went to Candyland 
and brought me some yummy papers:

 A wie4cie, że w sklepie 13arts dostaniecie bardzo ładne pudełka do kartek?!
Ja wybrałam z okienkiem, kartka w nim wygląda cudnie.

Did you know that in 13arts store you can buy gorgeous boxes for your cards?!
I have chosen snow white box with window, it is just perfect.
Thank you :)