Sunday 29 June 2014

Two great projects by our GD Elena Smoktunova

Nadszedł czas na nasze kolejne spotkanie z naszą pracowitą Gościnną Projektantką Eleną Smoktunową. Elena przygotowała nie jeden, a dwa projekty. Wow! Oto co nam powiedziała o swoich pracach.

It's time to our next meeting with our great and hard-working GD Elena Smoktunova.. This time Elena also created two projects. Wow! Here's what she wrote about her artworks:

Pages get richer with shades of different, cool colors. 

Pale blue mist attaches smooth efect to the project . 

Black and white photo of a beautiful woman fits perfectly into the gray background. 

 Butterflies symbolize peace and relaxation. 

13arts products:


 A mix-media style card with many layers. A beautiful combination of warm colors which symbolize different stages of summer! 
Gold glitter gives the sunshine! 

13arts products:

Dziękujemy Elenie za jej piękne prace!
Thank you Elena for your beautiful projects!