Wednesday 4 November 2015

chest of drawers by Ingrid

Hello 13arts friends!
Another altered project for you on the blog today.
This piece, about 35cm high, got a lot of paints and gesso! :)
This piece will be in my, soon to be, scraproom.
My darling oldest daughter will leave the nest in january.
Of course I will miss her like crazy, but the idea of my own place makes me very happy!
ps...sorry for the photo overload! LOL

Started this project by glueing some paper towel with gel medium.
Glued all the embellishments, the gears and flowers.
Gave it all two coats with gesso.
Added all the paints and once dry, an extra touch with gesso, using a sponge.
Just love this technique. 
Starting with lots and lots of paints and ending with some gesso to create that more watercolor and softer look. 

The right side of the drawers.
I glued only the right side of this side with paper towel to create more texture.

Detail of the right side.
Had these paint tubes in my stash for a while.
Emptied the tubes in small containers. 
Don't want to waste any paint, right! :)

The left side of the drawers.
Here I glued some paper towel as well.

Detail of the left side.

Top view of the drawers.

Before all the paints I took a paintbrush and randomly painted the flowers with gesso.
Not all over but on several spots.
This will give the flower, after all the paints, a nice marbled look.
An extra coat with gesso to finish it off. 

These, original white, flowers are also in the 13 arts store.

For this flower I used more colors.

For the fronts I glued the paper towel all over.
I used an old credit card and a sponge for the final layer with gesso.

Love how the colors have blended.
I only used three colors for this project.

13arts products used:

Enjoy your day!
Ingrid xxx


  1. Wow! This is a beautiful, magical and outrageously divine

  2. Oh, Ingrid, what a beautiful chest of drawers and the textures and colors are lovely! I love the empty tubes and lovely flowers - and, especially, love the different pull for each drawer. I bet you are excited to have a new craft room on the horizon!

  3. Genialna jest ta praca! napatrzeć się nie mogę <3

  4. Absolutely stunning Ingrid! You have such a natural ability to transform things into works of art! Love your color scheme (as always) and especially loving what you did with the flowers.
