Sunday 23 October 2016

Treasure- A Layout by our GD - Sandra Bernard

Czas na nasze drugie spotkanie z Sandrą Bernard- naszą utalentowaną Gościnną Projektantą z Kanady. Tym razem Sandra także przygotowała piękny layout i kurs video. 

It's time for our second meeting with Sandra Bernard - our talented Guest Designer from Canada. Thist time Sandra also made a beautiful layout and a video tutorial! 


Sandra Bernard

HI, I'm here for the second month with a new layout.

I'm in love with that spring blossom paper, so I would like to start with that. I used some mediums to add flowers and textures as show in the video. 

I hope, I'll inspire you to use some mediums/papers from 13@rts.

see you next month ...

Sandra Bernard xx

Material List: 
paper, spring blossom 
ink acrylic splash green
ink acrylic splash white
rainbow color duo navy blue
rainbow color yellow lemon
paint matte pink
white gesso
medium gel 
modeling paste 


Dziękujemy Sandro za Twoją piękną pracę!
Thank you Sandra for your beautiful artwork!