Sunday 23 February 2014

13 days with 13arts and Flying Unicorn - Day 11 - Natalia (Frau_Muller)

Witajcie ! Rozpoczynamy dzień jedenasty!
Hello! It's day eleven of:

13 days with 13 arts and The Flying Unicorn

Wkrótce poznacie zwycięzcę wczorajszej nagrody, a już za chwilę zapraszamy na kolejną zabawę - dołączcie do nas i obserwujcie nasz Fanpage oraz Fanpage Flying Unicorn. 
You will see get to know who the winner of yesterday's prize is and you will have new chance of winning  - please join us at our Fanpage and Flying Unicorn FP.

Hello everyone!  
It's Frau-Muller here with you today. And I want to show you my new project with amazing products by 13arts and The Flying Unicorn !

Remember, The Flying Unicorn also carries MANY 13arts products HERE 

"Vintage story" canvas

 some close ups

 For my tutorial and a chance to win a great prize 
please jump to my blog:

Tomorrow we will have new inspiring project and new prize for you :)

I hope you like it!
Have a nice day