Lipiec to mój miesiąc z wyzwaniem. Może nie jest najłatwiejsze, ale chciałbym zachęcić Was do zabawy kolorami i farbami, mgiełkami i innymi mediami. Poczujcie się znów jak dzieci!
July is my month with the challenge. Maybe it isn't easy but I would like to encourage you to play with colors, have good fun with paints, mists and other medias. Be kids with smiles again!
Rules of the challenge
1. Create a project based on the mood board (details above).
2. Publish your project on your blog and add link directly to the post using Inlinkz tool at the right side bar.
3. Please add a link and info about our challenge, where your work is published.
4. You may submit as many entries as you like.
5. You can enter your project with a maximum of 2 other challenges and your work must be new, not published before our challenge has started.
6. The challenge ends on the 22nd of June. Winners will be announced on the 26th of July.
7. Use at least one 13@rts product in your project.
When the challenge ends, our Design Team will vote and pick the best project. It will be Awarded with a giftbag full of 13arts' products (worth about 60 PLN) with free international shipping. The winner will be invited to join us in one of our challenges as Guest Designers. Additionally we will feature a few works with biggest number of points.
Zasady wyzwania:
1. Stwórz pracę zgodną z tematem wyzwania, w tym miesiącu jest to 'mood board', a szczegóły są określone powyżej.
2. Opublikuj pracę na swoim blogu i dodaj bezpośredni link do posta używając narzędzia Inklinkz, które znajdziesz w prawym pasku bocznym bloga.
3. Podlinkuj wyzwanie i informację o nim w tym samym blogowym poście.
4. Możesz zgłosić tyle prac ile masz ochotę.
5. Możesz połączyć nasze wyzwanie maksymalnie z dwoma innymi.
Twoja praca musi być nowa i niepublikowana przed ogłoszeniem wyzwania.
6. Wyzwanie kończy się 22 lipca. Zwycięzców ogłosimy 26 lipca.
7. Użyj przynajmniej jednego produktu 13@rts.
Kiedy wyzwanie dobiegnie końca nasze Projektantki w drodze głosowania wyłonią najlepszy projekt. Będzie on nagrodzony zestawem produktów 13arts (wartość około 60zł) z bezpłatną międzynarodową wysyłką. Zwycięzca zostanie także zaproszony do zostania naszym Gościnnym Projektantem w jednym z kolejnych wyzwań. Dodatkowo wyróżnimy kilka projektów z największą ilością głosów.
Several members of our DT will show you their projects below:
Let's go!
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If you are a mother of four children, you have just a little time for your hobby. So by this case I still believe that it is very important to find the way to sit down and do my creations because it is my „own time”. For the moment I don’t even need more :)
The motherhood and makeing scrapbook are fulfilling my life.
Also one year ago I am an active designer and a team member of „Sugallatok”.
This months challenges was a challenging task. As far as I remember, I haven’t been in a circus yet.
(Therefore the time has come to go with my kids to see a circus performance this summer.)
Without any personal experience I was searching on the internet to find an inspiring picture. There were many but I still didn’t find the right one, something was still missing. The same feeling was about the well known „Circus de Solei” . Than finally I found the film which aroused my interest called „The Greatest Showman” with Hugh Jackman (2017). I do love musicals, so very soon our home was loud from the song called „This is me”. Me and my children were jumping and clapping all around and singing the theme song together in the afternnons. That’s how I found the ’coveted experience’. Please welcome my layout which was inspired by this movie.
My social media places where you can find me:

Products used:
Paper: Where's Alice
Stencil: Blizzard of dots
Stencil: Happiness
Metallic Paint - Red Bronze
Mikrokulki-XS-Old Gold
SPLASH - Glitter Old Gold
Holographic Glitter
Gesso Clear
Modelling Paste
Gel Medium
SPLASH ink White
Paint- Vivid Scarlet
Paint: Pearl Gold
Paint- Matte Cinammon
Chalk Mist - Indigo
Foil- A letter to you
Stickers a4 - Alice Says
Stickers- Vintage momensts- words
Holographic Glitter - Gold
Stencil: Blizzard of dots
Stencil: Happiness
Metallic Paint - Red Bronze
Mikrokulki-XS-Old Gold
SPLASH - Glitter Old Gold
Holographic Glitter
Gesso Clear
Modelling Paste
Gel Medium
SPLASH ink White
Paint- Vivid Scarlet
Paint: Pearl Gold
Paint- Matte Cinammon
Chalk Mist - Indigo
Foil- A letter to you
Stickers a4 - Alice Says
Stickers- Vintage momensts- words
Holographic Glitter - Gold
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products list:
paper Madness
Film - Transparent foil "Butterflies"
Stencil masks up in the air
Stencil masks ART BRUSH
Ayeeda Paint - Vivid Yellow
Ayeeda Paint - VIVID Scarlet
Ayeeda Paint - Vivid Blue
Acrylic ink SPLASH! White
Acrylic ink SPLASH! Black
A4 Labels - Vintage Moments 2 - Big words
paper Madness
Film - Transparent foil "Butterflies"
Stencil masks up in the air
Stencil masks ART BRUSH
Ayeeda Paint - Vivid Yellow
Ayeeda Paint - VIVID Scarlet
Ayeeda Paint - Vivid Blue
Acrylic ink SPLASH! White
Acrylic ink SPLASH! Black
A4 Labels - Vintage Moments 2 - Big words
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Material used :
Material used :
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Material used :
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You can find our InLinkz tool from the right side bar, and link your creation there.
Oh, wait! Do you remember our other social media channels?
Instagram (13arts)
Come to follow us!
Have a great time with our challenge :)
W prawym bocznym pasku znajdziecie narzędzie InLinkz za pomocą którego możecie dodać swoją pracę.
Ach, chwileczkę! Czy pamiętacie o naszych kanałach społecznościowych?
Instagram (13arts)
Przyłączcie się tam do nas!
Bawcie się dobrze z naszym nowym wyzwaniem :)
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