Wednesday 24 February 2016

Last project from our GD- Tanita Shmigun

Today it's time for the last inspiration from our young and talented Guest Designer - Tanita Shmigun. Tanita made beautiful art journal pages! 

Dziś czas na ostatnią inspirację od naszej młodej i utalentowanej Gościnnej Projektantki - Tanity Shmigun! Tanita przygotowała piękny wpis artjournalowy!


Tanita Shmigun

Hello, dear friends, spring is coming soon, isn't? And today (when I'm creating my project) is Sunday, a very good day to dream about the sunny weather, flowers around you and butterflies... Butterflies in the air, butterflies in your stomach, love and good mood are all around, let's enjoy life!
Today I'd like to present you my art-journal spread about Sundays, good mood and butterflies. I hope you'll enjoy it and the smile on your faces will appear even just for a second :) Laugh, love, smile, hug everyone and be happy today! 'Cause every day is a good day to be happy!

Used stuff:


Thank you Tanita for being our Guest and all your beautiful projects!
Tanito, dziękujemy że zechciałaś u nas gościć i za wszystkie Twoje piękne prace!

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