Kilka miesięcy temu wybraliśmy spośród zagranicznych zgłoszeń gościnnych projektantów na każdy miesiąc tego roku. W lipcu zobaczymy prace znanej Wam już Lindy Gillespie, która wystąpiła u nas gościnnie w lutym - możecie zobaczyć jej poprzednie piękne prace TUTAJ.
Few months ago, from among all the entries from different countries we chose few designers - one for every month of this year. In July our guest is well known Lindy Gillespie, who has already been here as our guest in February. You can check her previous beautiful works HERE.

Hi, my name is Lindy Gillespie. I live in sunny Brisbane with my husband Tony and we have 2 grown up children Craig and Kate.
I’ve tried many crafts and came across scrapbooking in 2004 which is very addictive. I also have a love of photography, I always carry my camera at all times for that certain shot and I am partial to taking landscapes.
At the moment I would call my style layered shabby chic with a little mix media I use lots of misting masking, paint, distressing and lots of flowers I also love using my sewing machine.
I get inspiration from my photo which is the main focus of my layouts and that is my starting point, creating and leaving many memories for the future generations.
I’m very honored to be asked to be a guest designer by Aida for 13 arts, it’s been a pleasure designing with 13 arts.
Lindy's blog:
Lindy's blog:
Powitajmy ponownie Lindę i zobaczmy co dziś dla nas przygotowała:
Welcome back Linda:) Please have a look what she has created this time:
On this page I've use masking with Texture paste, then just a light
spray of colour.
List of materials:
Frosted life papers,( Moon Dust,Cold Wall 2 & Cold Wall)
Chipboard, doliy,
spellbinders, hand made flowers,
Blue light ink,
Pink Peals Mist,
13 arts modeling paste and gesso.
To create this card I used:
All is love papers
die cut paper
Lilac Chalk mist
Texture paste & mask
Na kolejną odsłonę prac Lindy zapraszam 30 lipca;)
You will see more of Lindy's work on the 30th of July:)
Thank You Lindy - you work is gorgeous and soo inspiring!
Can't wait to see more of you work with 13 arts products:)
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