Czas na ostatnią, ale równie piękną kolekcję- Rosalie. Ona także zawiera duże i małe pady, maski, naklejki, folie, stempelki...wszystko czego potrzebujecie do stworzenia pięknych prac. A oto co stworzył nasz zespół:
Time for the last, but equally beautiful collection - Rosalie. It also contains big and small pads, masks, stickers, foils, stamps ... everything you need to create beautiful works. Here's what our team created:
Time for the last, but equally beautiful collection - Rosalie. It also contains big and small pads, masks, stickers, foils, stamps ... everything you need to create beautiful works. Here's what our team created:

Products used:
- Rosalie paper pack 12x12
- Glear gesso
-White gesso
- Modeling paste
- Rosalie chipboards
- Ayeeda paint: White and silver glitter
- Ayeeda mists: Chalk dark brown; Pearl Brown; Chalk Burnt Sienna.
- Ayeeda white Ink
- Stencil: Bird Cages
- Stamps: Cage stamp
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I used from 13@rts:
-ROSALIE 12 x 12 inch paper collection
-ROSALIE 6x6 inch paper pad
-Victoriana- sticker
-Pastel-Cinnamon Ayeeda mist
-Black-Graphite Ink
Ayeeda-Paint- in the color turquoise
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Rosalie project

products links:

Material used :
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Material used :
Ecru Roots
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Jak zawsze zachęcamy Was do chwalenia się pracami.
Tagujcie nas także na Instagramie (@13arts) - bardzo lubimy oglądać Wasze prace.
As always we'd like to encourage you to show us your projects.
You can share them in the comment or in our ARTelier FB Group :)
You can also tag us on Instagram (@13arts) - we love discovering your projects
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