Na koniec weekendu chcemy Wam pokazać piękny wpis journalowy, który przygotowała nasza Gościnna Projektantka Olga Limonya!
At the end of the weekend we would like to show you some beautiful art journal pages by our Guest Designer Olga Limonya!
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friends! I will inspire you today)) When I saw the moodboard,
I immediately remembered the time when I went to college as a fashion
designer! Magazines Burda, patterns, models, spools of thread,
scissors and other trifles ... Pleasant memories! And decided to make
a page in the Art Journal. Before starting work, I covered the sheet
with clear
the base I have a sheet with models that I used as rubbing with PVA
glue. Then I applied modeling paste through a stencil, paints and
then stamps. When the background was ready, I began to build a
composition with the help of cutting, cut out elements, flowers
and corset figures.
covered the figure of the corset with black Gesso, it turned out to
be a perfect black color! Spray just did with it!
the end I used only a couple of toppings and waxes.
hope I inspired you!
13@rts products used:
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You can find more beautiful projects by Olga on her SM channels:
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