Saturday 21 April 2018

Libeeti Frenkel and her beautiful card.

It's time for the second project by our talented Guest Designer Libeeti. She has a beautiful card for you with a videotutorial. 

Czas na drugi projekt od naszej utalentowanej Gościnnej Projektantki Libeeti. Ma dla Was piękną kartkę z videokursem.

Hello to you all! it's Libeeti here again, as Guest Designer, and this time I would like to share with you a birthday card I've made with the gorgeous 13@rts products.

I love using 13@rts stencils, as they're thick and so great to use.
You should try the different effects using the 13@rts mists, color glow, paints, etc. You can use them plain or add water and dilute them. You'll get different shades of the same color.

Here' are some close-ups on the details:

You can see my creative process in the video:

13@rts products I've used:
Until Dawn collection - Days and Nights
Alice in Candyland - A5 stickers - Alice says


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Koniecznie zobaczcie więcej prac od Libeeti na jej kanałach Social Media:
Make sure to see more beautiful projects by Libeeti on her SM channels:

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