Saturday 14 April 2018

Dreamer- a layout by Antonia Moreno

Czas na kolejną piękną pracę od naszej Gościnnej Projektantki- Antonii Moreno z Hiszpanii!

It's time for the second project from our talented Guest Deisnger- Antonia Moreno from Spain!

Hi everyone! It is Antonia with you today to share with you a new project I made for 13@rts. I hope that it inspires you all! 

I guess that all scrappers have had some time the same problem: just when designing a project, a trouble arises and we have to be creative to solve it. This is what happened to me when working on this layout. An opened paint bottled drop down onto the material I was about to use, so I had to change the layout sketch and the idea I had for doing it. 

The starting point was a beautiful photo of my friend Teresa, related to books and reading, and I wanted it to be the main focus point. 

The background has been worked with 13@rts mediums and some texture paste over the Dandelions stencil, that also includes some text. In some of them I added glitter embossing powders. The paper called Madness is so beautiful that it highlights without adding to it any decoration. 

Some of the dark lines around the layout are stickers from Alice in Candyland collection, and I really love how they show. 

Afterwards, I also had to start adding volume and decorations. One of the products I like the most from 13@rts are the microspheres and XS microspheres together, as they fit any kind of project! 

Do not forget to make some cutouts from the papers, they are great for any little space. I did mine for the leaves… 

To finish the project, I added some splatters of red Rainbow color. 

I hope that you like it. If you want to see a video of the layout, please do not hesitate to look at it on my Instagram account

See you soon! 
Antonia M. 

Products used: 


Alice in Candyland: Madness

Alice in Candyland: Stickers collection :: Stitches


13@rts Dandelions

13@rts- Alice in Candyland chipboards




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Więcej pięknych prac Antonii znajdziecie na jej kanałach Social Media:
See more beautiful projects by Antonia on her SM channels:

Instagram: @cascaradepapel