Saturday 28 April 2018

Amazing Layout by our GD- Hema

Czas na drugi projekt od naszej utalentowanej Gościnnej Projektanki  Hemy z Indii. 
Spójrzcie na ten niezwykły layout!

Today it's time for the second project from our Talented Guest Designer-  Hema from India. 
Look at this amazing layout!

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Hello Ladies We are almost in the end of the month and I'm here to share my last work of the month for 13@Arts. 

We have beautiful mood board and hope my work inspires you all. 

I have used all 13 arts products in this LO. Chose a focal image which goes along the mood board colors and have applied clear gesso to the PP (pattern Paper), done stamping with Gabriell's texture stamps and also Visible Image stamps, applied lovely new release Rainbow colors (linked below) - layered with few leftover papers from 13arts previous projects, added few metal charms, negative wooden chippies, few heatembossed leaves chippies, gold and black microsprheres,white acrylic splatters to finish the LO.

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Więcej prac Hemy znajdziecie na jej:
See more projects by Hema on her:

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