Sunday 18 September 2016

Our New Guest Designer- Sandra Bernard

Dzisiaj chcielibyśmy Wam przedstawić Sandrę Bernard, naszą nową, utalentowaną Gościnną Projektantkę z Kanady. Pewnie już widzieliście jej piękną pracę w naszym najnowszym wyzwaniu :) Dzisiaj Sandra przygotowała dla nas layout z kursem video! 

Today we would like to introduce you to Sandra Bernard, our new talented Guest Designer from Canada. You've probably already seen her beautiful project in our newest challenge :) Today Sandra made a layout with a video tutorial for us! 


Sandra Bernard

Hello, my name is Sandra Bernard and I live in Quebec, Canada. I am Mother of two girls, who are my main source of inspiration. I make of the scrapbooking from now on almost 12 years. I like varying my style from shabby to clean with always a touch of mediums. I hope you'll follow me in my explorations...

A oto piękny layout Sandry
Here's a beautiful layout made by Sandra: 

I kurs video!
She also made a video tutorial! 

I trochę szczegółów:
and here are some details of the project:

Products used:


  1. Lovely page! The eye is drawn in to the photo. Gorgeous colors.

  2. Vraiment de toute beauté Sandra !! Superbe ton fond :))))

  3. Great video. Love this evolution
