Sunday 24 July 2016

Perfect Family Day - a layout by GD Mireille Binet

Nasza utalentowana Gościnna Projektantka - Mireille Binet wraca z kolejnym pięknym layoutem!
Our talented GD - Mireille Binet is back with another beautiful layout! 


Mireille Binet

Hi everyone, I’m back with another layout for you. 

This time I went with a monochromatic approach with a beach feel. I used several matte paints mixed with water to color my cheese cloth along with the Chalk Ultramarine spray. The title of my page can be translate to « Perfect family day ».

List of 13@rts products used in this project:


Dziękujemy Mireille! Bardzo podoba nam się Twój projekt. 
Thank you Mireille! We love your project.