Sunday 29 May 2016

Last project from our Guest Designer - Beatriz Sanchez

Czas pokazać Wam ostatni projekt od naszej wspaniałej i utalentowanej Gościnnej Projektantki- Beatriz Sanchez. 
Cieszymy się, że Beatriz czuje się już lepiej i może wciąż inspirować swoją piękną twórczością.

It's time to show you last project from our wonderful and talented Guest Designer- Beatriz Sanchez. We're happy that Beatriz is feeling better and can still inspire us with her beautiful art. 


Hello my dear friends 13@arts!!! It is my last job as GDT here in 13 @ arts and I want to thank Aida for this opportunity and Marta for her help. It has been a great honor and pleasure for me to be here with all of you and hope you have inspired my work.

 For my last work, I have altered a wooden box. I have entitled "SPECIAL" because in it I want to keep all the beautiful memories from now on, in my new life, after my operation. Thank God everything went well and I'm slowly getting back to normal. 

Although my favorite colors are white, blue and black, I must confess that I like every color depends on how you feel at that time. Now I used the range of roses, fuchsia and lilac ... and as always lots of texture. I hope you like it and thanks to all !!

A big hug Beatrice (B-Art)


Used materials:


 Beatrice, dziękujemy Ci za wszystkie piękne prace i za to, że zostałaś naszym Gościem!
Beatrice, thank you for all your beautiful creations and for being our Guest! 


  1. Beatriz - so glad your surgery went well and that you are feeling better! Your Special box is gorgeous with beautiful texture and colors - and all the elements you selected!!

    1. Oh, thank you very much for your words Kathy!!!...It makes me very happy !!
      A big hug!! :)

  2. Many thanks to the entire team of 13 @ arts for all. I feel very honored to have been able to share this time with you. They are fafulosos !!
    A hug!! :)

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