Sunday 6 March 2016

Our New Guest Designer - Denisa Gryczova

Dzisiaj chcielibyśmy Wam przedstawić naszą nową Gościnną Projektantkę- Denisę Gryczovą. Denisa jest utalentowaną artystką z Czech. Jako swoją pierwszą inspirację przygotowała piękny wpis artjournalowy. 

Today we would like to introduce you our new Guest Designer- Denisa Gryczova! Denisa is a talented Artist from Czech Republic. As her first inspiration she made a beautiful art journal entry. 


Denisa Gryczova

My name´s Denisa Gryczova. I come from The Czech Republic. I´ve been working as a primary teacher in Frýdek-Místek. I´m a devoted mum of three amazing kids aged 20, 8 and 3. Mixed media world has become an unseparable part of my life. It´s been two years now and there´s no doubt it´s been my life passion. Never planning to stop. I love to have my fingers dirty from paints every day. Besides I´m keen on riding a bike, hiking, listening to music and travelling. Eager to start creating!


Have you ever been stuck in a moment ? Just like being frozen in time?

 Living in the past regreting the wasted time of your life? 

If so, you better get yourself together, stop chasing the painful memories because it´s the real life that is happening right now and you are the one to enjoy it. 

So go ahead, live it to the fullest and seize each day to come.

List of products: 
Papers: Secret Letters
Modeling Paste
Gel medium-MATT
Colored Grit-Grey Light
Mist- Pastel Berry
Mist - Chalk Yellow Amber


Piękny wpis! Dziękujemy Deniso za tę cudowną inspirację. Nie możemy się już doczekać Twoich kolejnych prac! 

So beautiful! Thank you Denisa for this lovely inspiration! We can't wait to see more of your projects!