Sunday 19 February 2017

Magic in the rain - by GD Georgie Connelly

Czas na ostatni projekt od naszej cudownej i utalentowanej Gościnnej Projektantki- Georgie Connelly. Georgie wykonała śliczny layout z kolekcji 'His and Hers'.

Today it's time for the final project from our wonderful and talented Guest Designer- Georgie Connelly. Georgie made a beautiful layout with "His and Hers" collection.


Georgie Connelly

I’m here guesting for 13 Arts with my final project. Must say it has been a delight to guest for such a gorgeous brand.

Here is my layout: 

I used lots of mediums for this design, and started with mixing Shiny Powder in Cyan Green with Modelling Paste and used a palette knife to scrape it across the page roughly where the focal image would be. I also splatted some Yellow Light Splash Ink.

Next, whilst the paste was still wet, I sprinkled some Navy Blue Rainbow Colour Duo, Silver Microspheres, Glass Microsphere and then stuck some cheese cloth down whilst it was all still wet, then spritzed with water to bleed the blue paint out.

Once this was all dry I used some drops of Bronze Glitter and then added my fussy cut feathers from Feather Paper I then sprayed with Chalk Dirty Pink Mist, keeping as close to the centre as possible.

While the pink was still wet I added clear Gel Medium, and did some sprinkling again using Black Hexagonal Sparkles, Blue Light Grit and Glass Microspheres.

Hope you have an inspiring day!


Dziękujemy Georgie, że zostałaś naszym Gościem i za Twoje wszystkie piękne prace!
Thank you Georgie for being our Guest and for all your beautiful projects! 

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