Sunday 28 September 2014

Dream - with our GD Amy Lassiter

Dzisiaj pokażemy Wam piękny layout wykonany przez naszą Gościnną Projektantkę- Amy Lassiter. Oto co Amy powiedziała nam o swoim projekcie:
Today we're going to show you a beautiful layout which was made by our talented Guest Designer - Amy Lassiter. Here's what Amy told us about her project:


Hello all, it's Amy here this beautiful September day, to share another layout I have created as a guest designer. 
I really enjoyed something new, by using the dark paper for this project. It added a lot of contrast to everything, and made the mediums pop off of the page with color and texture.
I did a bit of stamping before using the clock chipboard as an embellishment. I stamped using the Ayeeda Paint in white, just smoothed on the back with my fingers. I liked how it ghosted the image on the dark background. 
The splashes of paint and ink really draw the eye with their sheen and shimmer. Adding movement with the clocks, twine and embellishments made this a project I really had a fun time creating. 
I hope you liked my project today, and that you were inspired to create!

Chrysanthemum mini- Peach
White Paper Flowers

Dziękujemy Amy za jej piękny projekt!
Thank you Amy for your beautiful project!