Sunday 27 July 2014

Last projects from our GD- Elena Smoktunova

Nadszedł czas by pożegnać się z naszą utalentowaną Gościnną Projektantką Eleną Smoktunową. Tym razem Elena także przygotowała dwa projekty - kartkę i layout.
It's time to say goodbye to our talented GD Elena Smoktunova. This time Elena also made two projects- a card and a layout.

First project is made with a picture of my favorite singer.
 Many scrapbooks are with inscriptions. I used a lot of stamps. 

I tried to make my page at the same time elegant as herself, and light as summer
 For this page I used:
 paint: gold glitter 

 The second project is a card which shows my mood today
  It is necessary to live and enjoy what God gives you! 
 Very bright, juicy card!

Dziękujemy Elenie za bycie naszym gościem i wszystkie piękne pojekty.
Thank you Elena for being our guest and all your beautiful pojects


  1. Love the projects!!!! Thanks for the inspiration!!!!

  2. gorgeous projects Elena, have always loved your style!

  3. Nice Work, very much enjoyed!
