Saturday 29 July 2017

New Collections - Part 3

Czas na trzecią część inspiracji z naszych nowych kolekcji! Dzisiaj mamy dla Was dwa piękne layouty wykonane przez nasze utalentowane projektantki Lisę i Terhi! 

Time for the third part of the inspirations made with our new collections! Today we have two amazing layouts made by our talented Designers- Lisa and Terhi! 

Jeśli jeszcze nie widzieliście nowych kolekcji, oto i one:
If you haven't seen our new collections yet, here they are:

>>>Art Journey by Aida Domisiewicz<<<

>>>Vintage Moments by Olga Heldwein<<<

>>>Strenght in Numbers by Fiona Paltridge<<<

Mamy też nową linię produktów zaprojektowaną przez Martę Łapkowską:
We've also have a new line of products designed by Marta Łapkowska:

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13arts products:

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13arts products:

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Pokażcie nam swoje prace z nowymi kolekcjami :) !
Możecie podzielić się nimi w komentarzu lub w naszej Facebookowej grupie ARTelier :)

Show us your projects with our new products! :) 
 You can share them in the comment or in our ARTelier FB Group :) 

Thursday 27 July 2017

Winners for Challenge #56

Hey all!

We are happy to be here sharing the results for our latest blog challenge: Challenge #56 "Create Your own Background"
The challenge was fun and all the entries were so gorgeous. Very unique backgrounds and fun techniques, it was so inspiring to go through all. Thank you.

The winner is....

Congratulations sweet Anguree, your work is just so breathtakingly gorgeous. It's very simple, but yet so stunning and full of passion. 
You will receive a gift voucher for shopping in 13@rts store worth 60 PLN with free international postage. We would also like to invite you for guest designing in one of our next challenges. Please send us an e-mail at: in seven days after the challenge results to claim your prize.


As always we want to feature the projects which got second and third spots.


And congrats Lidya!

Special mention for the super fun layout made by Carolyn from Australia - Aida is truly honored!


Giving votes and seeing your work is a huge honor for our designers, so come back soon to see what's next challenge!

Remember to spy all the three new collections from our store, available NOW!

Thank you!

Wednesday 26 July 2017

''Destiny'', canvas/tutorial by Sandra

Hi 13arts fans!!

I'm back today to show you my canvas made with new 13arts products! Hope you like it!

Last month, I took picture from my daughters, I was inspired by one of those picture to make this canvas.

I also made a tutorial if you want to see my creative process. 

I made some little boxes to add dimension on my canvas, I added some textures like dried roots and I played with 3d Balls with the aim pf ordering my picture to ''Vintage Moments'' new collection.

just take a look!

my video tutorial

and some closed up:

13arts products list:
13arts flowers

others things available:

thanks a lot
san xx

Tuesday 25 July 2017

Star | Terhi Koskinen

Hey all!

Terhi Koskinen here to inspire you with one of our new collections: "Strenght in Numbers" by lovely Fiona Paltridge.

I absolutely adore this colorful and fun collection. All the patterned papers matches perfectly together and there are so many interesting details in the patterns.

As the patterns and colors were so fun and wild, I decided to go with a geometrical design. Lots of squares, triangles, some circles and then the cherry on top: stars!

The winters here in Finland are so cold, and my sweet kiddos always looks like they are stars in their jackets and suits. My younger one posed to my camera highlighting her inner star. What a sweet face! I really hope you are as excited as I am about these new collections!

13arts products:

Thank you for stopping by!

Monday 24 July 2017

Vintage Card & Video Tutorial by Lady E

Hi :)
I have recently received all new 13arts collections and I"m in love with them!!
Each one is different, all beautiful!
I have already made a card with Art Journey collection by Aida,
today I'm sharing with you another card foaturing new collection
but this time it's Vintage Moments by Olga:

Niedawno dostałam nowe kolekcje 13arts i we wszystkich się zakochałam!!
Każda jest inna, wszystkie piękne!!
Zrobiłam juz kartkę z kolekcją Art Journey, którą zaprojektowała Aida,
a dziś mam dla Was kartkę z kolekcji Vinatge Moments zaprojektowanej przez Olgę

I also have a video tutorial for you :
Mam dla Was także filmik:

Thank you!! / Dziękuję!!
13arts products used:

Vintage Moments paper collection

Stencil masks "Always the music"

Hawthorn fruit 12 pcs

Moddeling paste

Dry Roots - Purple

Saturday 22 July 2017

New Collections - Part 2

Jak wiecie, mamy ostatnio kilka nowych kolekcji w sklepie:

As you know we have some new collections in our store:

>>>Art Journey by Aida Domisiewicz<<<

>>>Vintage Moments by Olga Heldwein<<<

>>>Strenght in Numbers by Fiona Paltridge<<<

Ostatnio pokazaliśmy Wam już trochę prac wykonanych z nich przez naszych projektantów :) Dziś czas na drugą część inspiracji: 

We showed you lately some projects made by our Designers with them :) Today it's time for the second part of them:

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13 arts products:

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13 arts products:

-acrylic paint coral pink 
-acrylic paint deep sky 

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13 arts products:

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Pokażcie nam swoje prace z nowymi kolekcjami :) !
Możecie podzielić się nimi w komentarzu lub w naszej Facebookowej grupie ARTelier :)

Show us your projects with our new products! :) 
 You can share them in the comment or in our ARTelier FB Group :) 

Friday 21 July 2017

Cards and Live stream

                 Hejka dla wszystkich 13 artsowych fanów !!  Dziś mam dla was dwie karteczki "bez tła". Obie przygotowane na mojej najnowszej kolekcji dla 13 arts Vintage Moments.  Do jednej z kartek użyłam foli do złocen a w drugiej koronkowych naklejek.
                Jeśli jesteście ciekawi jak taka kartke zrobić jutro ( tj.22 lipca ) około godz 20 będe robiła mini warsztat on-line na FB ( link pojawi się na firmowym fanpage i na moim profilu.                                    
              Odtworze kartkę ze złoceniami ale dla odmiany będe pracować w innej kolorystyce. Po transmisji udostepnie  też video tutorial z przygotowania tych konkretnych prac krok po kroku .

Hello All 13arts fans! Today I have two cards with "no backround" - both made from my lates collection for 13arts Vintage Mments. For one of my cards i use gold foiling for another I used our white stickers.
If you would like to re-create projects or just you are wondering how its made tommorow ( sturday) arround 8 pm CET time I will make live stream on FB with one with gold foil but to make some changes I will pick different color pallette.
In late evening after stream i will share also You Tube video about those cards so stay tuned !

Użylam /supply list :

 Gilding flakes - folia do złoceń GOLD  Klej w pisaku  - GLUE PEN  Naklejki A4 - Vintage moments words  Tekturka /Chipboard Strength in Numbers  Papier Rose Garden  Papier Time Capsule  Papier Lavender fields  Papier Old letters  Papier In the past  Zestaw kwiatów Tatiana Victorian 566364 

 Olga Heldwein