Wednesday 31 October 2018

Aqua Flora

Czas na porcję inspiracji z naszej letniej kolekcji Aqua Flora. Znajdziecie w niej wiele akwarelowych teł, kwiatów, ale kolekcja jest niezwykle różnorodna i daje wiele możliwości. Zobaczcie co wyczarowała z niej nasz zespół.   

Time for some inspiration with our summer collection 
In this collection you can find many watercolor backgrounds and flowers, but it is very versatile  and give countless possibilities. Please have a look at our DT's wonderful projects with this collection.

I used:



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 Material used : 

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Jak zawsze zachęcamy Was do chwalenia się pracami. 
Możecie podzielić się nimi w komentarzu lub w naszej Facebookowej grupie ARTelier :) 
Tagujcie nas także na Instagramie (@13arts) - bardzo lubimy oglądać Wasze prace. 

As always we'd like to encourage you to show us your projects.
You can share them in the comment or in our ARTelier FB Group :) 
You can also tag us on Instagram (@13arts) - we love discovering your projects

Sunday 28 October 2018

Conversations in Trains

Dziś eksperymentujemy z kolekcją "Conversations in Trains" autorstwa Fiony Paltridge. Papiery są doskonałe do artjournali i z pewnością dostarczą Wam mnóstwa inspiracji! 
A oto kilka prac od naszego DT:

Today we're playing with
"Conversations in Trains" by Fiona Paltridge. The papers are perfect for art journals and we're sure they will inspire you to make many beautiful artworks. 
And here are some projects by our DT:

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Art journalling for me is all about experimenting and exploring my style. Combining it with the Conversations on Trains collections gives me inspiration to try new ways of mixing ephemera based papers with abstract art ideas

13arts products used:

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Jak zawsze zachęcamy Was do chwalenia się pracami. 
Możecie podzielić się nimi w komentarzu lub w naszej Facebookowej grupie ARTelier :) 
Tagujcie nas także na Instagramie (@13arts) - bardzo lubimy oglądać Wasze prace. 

As always we'd like to encourage you to show us your projects.
You can share them in the comment or in our ARTelier FB Group :) 
You can also tag us on Instagram (@13arts) - we love discovering your projects

Friday 26 October 2018

Everlasting Love

Hello everyone 

I am back on the 13arts blog sharing this layout I created using the beautiful new Vintage Summer Collection.

13arts Products used:

I started off by covering the page with clear gesso. Next I used the stencil to add some texture to the background.

I fussy cut the white roses from the collection and layer it  with a lace doily and textured elements.

I added more fussy- cut elements by cutting some leaves and flowers. Next I added some flowers and used the irredecent glitter splash ink to add a touch of bing to my flowers.

Last but not least I used the new sticker sheets to create a tile and some journaling words that reveals a bit more detail and insights to the page.

Thank you so much for visiting. I hope you enjoyed your time here.

With all my love