Monday 25 February 2013

Guest Designer Kelly Klapstein - Canada

Uwielbiam gościć u nas na blogu kreatywne osoby z całego świata:) Jestem szczęśliwa, że tyle osób chce pracować z moimi papierami. Dzisiaj poznacie kolejną wspaniałą osobę, tworzy piękne, delikatne prace i pochodzi z Kanady:)

I just looove to have fabulous guests from all around the world here:) I am very happy that so many talented people want to work with my papers. Today you will meet another fabulous artist, who creates beautiful, soft and romantic pages. She is from Canada:) 

Let's meet

Hello everyone!  
My name is Kelly Klapstein, and I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.  I have 3 teenagers in the house, so my paper crafting time is my escape and joy.  Currently, I am a contributing writer for Canadian Scrapbooker magazine, and I design and teach classes at my local scrapbook store and special events across Canada.  Mostly I design scrapbook layouts and cards, and my style is quite eclectic...anything from cute to shabby to graphic, however, I love creating vintage designs with my precious heritage photos.  Luckily, my mother was a scrapbooker, so I have inherited some very special albums from her.  I'm very excited and honoured to be invited as Guest Designer and loved working with the beautiful 13 Arts papers!

You can check out my blog at  I also have a YouTube channel called kellycreates, where you can watch some video tutorials I have made.

Zobaczcie przepiękne projekty Kelly z papierów Frosted Life
Let's see what Kelly created with Frosted Life papers:

Thank You so much Kelly for your gorgeous pages! It was a pleasure to have you here:)



  1. Thank you for the opportunity to design with these gorgeous papers!

  2. Absolutely beautiful projects Kelly! I love your designs.

  3. Congratulations Kelly! Beautiful layouts!

  4. absolutely SENSATIONAL!!!! Kelly, you are a scrapping superstar! :)

  5. Awesome beautiful Los Kelly! Congrats on this gdt!

  6. Awesome beautiful Los Kelly! Congrats on this gdt!

  7. WOW! Fantastic job Kelly! LOOVE what you did with the first page- the details- like the gauze with leaves- are gorgeous! AND WOW on that wedding dress! Now THAT is a vintage style that holds up over time!

  8. Fabulous Kelly.. Your work is beautiful!!

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