Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Layout "Happy" by Maryse

Hello fan 13 @rts !!

My turn now
to present you my latest creation.

Bonjour fan de 13@rts !!

À mon tour aujourd'hui 
de vous présentez ma dernière création.

13@rts products:

-Paper Out of the blue/Spring blossoms
-Paint vivd magenta
-Paint matte raspberry
-Splash black
-Mist chalk fuchsia
-Stencil cosy
-Gesso white /clear
-Modeling paste
-Flower 13@rts

Thanks and see you next time !!

Merci et à très bientôt !!

Maryse xx

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Lovely | Terhi Koskinen

Hello and happy Tuesday everyone!

Terhi here to share my special scrapbook layout for you. The special effect on this page is that I promised for my dear friend I'd do an album for her daughter, and this is one page of it.
My friend had three hopes: lots of girly things, black and white photographs, and more girly things.

As ordered, I picked out some paper flowers, butterflies and pastel colors to create the page.
Earlier I made another page with this sketch - which simply is a photograph and lots of flowers growing around it. My friend fell in love with it, and she had idea of repeating the same sketch with few similar pics. In the album, this page is half of a spread, and the other half is full of journaling. 
Telling stories about how this cutie is growing, how much she weights and what she eats. Basic stuff, but so precious when she'll be grown up!

All papers used for this page are from Out of The Blue collection. All flowers are made with same those papers, as well as the leaves too. Just a lot of drawing and sketching on them, to make them look more dimensional.
The title was is quite simple too. The chipboard word is covered with SPLASH! Ink Violet Glitter and then I added some more Glitter on top too.

Repeating the same sketch, and doing few pages with the same theme could have been quite boring, but instead I found it really fascinating. I usually don't use this much flowers and other girly things, so with every page I found more and more ways to combine them to my usual style.
Definitely worth a try to step out of your comfort zone and do something totally different.
It teaches you a lot, but it's so much fun too!

Thank you for stopping by!

Terhi xx

13arts products:

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Last Projects from Mireille and Yuliana - our Guest Designers

Czas pożegnać się z naszymi utalentowanymi Gościnnymi Projektantkami - Mireille i Yulianą. 
Na dziś stworzyły niezwykłe layouty!

It's time to say Goodbye to our talented Guest Designers - Mireille and Yuliana. They created amazing layouts for today! 


Mireille Binet

Hi everyone! It’s Mireille with you today with my last project as DT guest. Even though I’m sad to leave, I had a wonderful time creating with 13@rts products. Thank you to the 13@rts team for this incredible opportunity. 

Now, on to the project. I’ve created a layout with a very soft feeling to it. I rarely use the color on my creation but I should do it often as I love the result. I think turquoise and lilac are meant to be together, don’t you think?

13 @rts products used in this project.


This layout was made for my friend. I love this picture and it makes me happy and inspires me. In this work, I tried to convey a gentle, light and flower mood.

 I used a flower pattern to create the background using a stencil, cut flowers, and leaves of paper.


Dziękujemy Dziewczyny za wszystkie piękne prace, które dla nas wykonałyście przez te 3 miesiące! Mamy nadzieję, że jeszcze zagościcie na naszym blogu w przyszłości :)

Thank you Ladies for all the amazing projects which you made for us during these 3 months! We hope to see you again on our blog in the future :) 

Saturday, 27 August 2016

A Little Book of Love | Fiona paltridge

Hello my 13@rts lovelies. Fiona here with you today to share a little art journal page I have created using some of the "Turquoise" colours in the Ayeeda ranges.

I have made an old book into an art journal that I can keep all my little treasured cards and tokens that people send me or give to me. My shelf is very full and so I decided to keep them all in a book.

 I'm filling it with little notes from friends, cards and trinkets given to me. I also want to add photos of gifts that people have sent me.

I am looking forward to adding to my book.

 I have used the Rainbow powder, some splash Ink and some sprays to create these pages. A full products list can be found at the bottom of the page.

Each page tells a little story. It is such a special little book.

Thank you so much for popping in. See you all again soon xx

13@rts Products I have Used:

Friday, 26 August 2016

Art Journal By Lilibleu

Hello 13 Arts Fans !!

This is Lilibleu here and I wanted to take up for the first time the adventure of an art journal!
And here is my first double page.

Bonjour Fans 13 Arts !!

 J'ai voulu me lancer pour la première fois dans l'aventure d'un art journal !
Et voici ma toute première double page.

I started by covering my layout with White Gesso and then I worked with two ink colors:  Chalk Grey and Chalk Turquoise. Once the ink dry, I added several types of buffers to provide texture.

J'ai commencé par recouvrir mon support de Gesso Blanc et j'ai ensuite travaillé avec deux couleurs d'encres: Chalk Grey et Chalk Turquoise. Une fois que l'encre bien sèche, j'ai rajouté plusieurs types de tampons pour donner de la texture.

I added gauze coloured with Chalk inks I mixed with a bit of gel medium. I added over it different kinds of beads and 3D powders.

J'ai rajouté de la gaze colorée avec les Encres Chalk que j'ai mélangées avec un peu de gel médium. J'ai rajouté par dessus différents types de perles et poudres 3D.

Finally, I added several embellishments. All gears are made of cardboard. Grays are covered with pearl gray paint and the outline is coloured with Black Gesso. The gears are covered with turquoise Splash! Glitter Turquoise.

Pour finir, j'ai rajouté plusieurs embellissements. Tous les engrenages sont en carton. Les gris sont recouverts de peinture gris perle et le contour est repassé en Gesso Noir. Les engrenages turquoise sont recouverts de Splash! Glitter Turquoise.

Les produits de la boutique:

Have a nice day :)