Thursday, 28 January 2016

Winners for challenge #38

W historii 13arts chyba nigdy nie mieliśmy tylu uczestników w naszym wyzwaniu - 64 zgłoszenia w dwa tygodnie!

Zdecydowanie wyzwanie #38 Shine było dla Was inspirujące, bo kto by nie lubił lśniących elementów w pracach mixed mediowych?
Jak zawsze po wyzwaniu nasz utalentowany design team w drodze głosowania wybrał najlepsze prace. Nawet sobie nie wyobrażacie jak ciężko było wybrać zwycięzców z tylu pięknych prac. 
A teraz fanfary...

Hello all!

Though 13arts history we have never had this much participants in our challenges: 64 entries in two weeks. THANK YOU ALL!
Clearly Challenge #38 - SHINE was inspiring for all of you and why wouldn't it be, who wouldn't love shiny things in mixed media!?
As always, after the challenge our talented design team votes for the best project. Any guesses how incredibly hard it was this time.. Fortunately our design team includes as many styles as there is people, so each had their own opinions and democracy did the job.
So, a little drum roll please....


Gratulacje Anastasi! Bardzo spodobała nam się Twoja praca. Miała mnóstwo lśniących elementów! 
Otrzymujesz od nas voucher na zakupy w sklepie 13arts o wartości 60zł z bezpłatną, międzynarodową przesyłką. Zapraszamy Cię również do gościnnego projektowania w jednym z naszych kolejnych wyzwań. Proszę, wyślij nam wiadomość na adres w ciągu siedmiu dni od ogłoszenia wyników w celu odebrania swojej nagrody. Przyjmij też od nas banerek i noś z dumą. 

 Well done ANASTASI, we loved your work! It has a lot of shiny elements, but the photograph has the biggest and brightest sheen. Absolutely gorgeous work!
You will receive a gift voucher for shopping in 13@rts store worth 60 PLN with free international postage. We would also like to invite you for guest designing in one of our next challenges. Please send us an e-mail at: in seven days after the challenge results to claim your prize.

As always, we picked our TOP3:



AMELIE and ATHANASIA , please take your badge here above!

Dziękujemy, że bawiliście się z nami! Zapraszamy Was do udziału w naszym kolejnym wyzwaniu, które ogłosimy wkrótce. Nasze kolejne wyzwanie startuje 14 lutego i z pewnością będzie to coś, z czym luty się kojarzy. 

Zespół 13arts

Thank you all again for joining us and be sure to come back soon for our next challenge. Our next challenge starts 14th February and of course we priomise to remember what February is all about.. Make sure you'll join us again.

Best regards,
13@rts DT

Terhi Koskinen | Key

Hi there 13arts Fans!

It's Terhi here showing you my latest canvas project, with a lot of textures and my favorite color scheme: white together with blue and turquoise.

Still I see myself more as a scrapbooker than mixed media artist, but when a lady who had attended to one of my layout workshops asked me to teach a canvas workshop - I couldn't say no!
So this is my sample work from the workshop I taught.

In the workshop I had five amazing women as students, and they all were new to mixed media. Oh boy it was fun, I got opportunity to tell and inspire them from the start! This canvas was a perfect project for them as there are lots of basic techniques and products - all products from 13arts of course - like gesso, stenciling with modelling paste, making a collage, coloring with mists and so on.

After three hours of hard and fun work, they all had made their first-ever canvases! I was so proud of them!
The biggest thing was still seeing their excitement and pure joy - they all promised to be back and I think a saw a sparkle of mixed media star in each ladies eyes.

If you want to learn my favorite techniques on a canvas, take a little hint here:

Thank you for stopping by!

Terhi xx

13arts products:

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

DWC Wrocław 29-31.01.2016. Zapraszamy!
29-31.01.2016. Wroclaw Scrap Event

Witajcie kochani! Zapraszamy Was do Wrocławia, gdzie już od piątku do niedzieli będziecie mogli spotkać ekipę 13 arts, wziąć udział w warsztatach, pokazach i zrobić zakupy. Oto nasz rozkład jazdy:

This is an invitation for  Wroclaw Scrap Event this weekend, full of 13 arts classes, make & take and shopping! Here is our schedule: 


Warsztat z Olgą Heldwein
17:00 - 20:00 
Tytuł: Steampunkowa kobieta


Olga Heldwein
Pokazy technik mediowych, akwarelowe tła,

Mediowe tagi

15:30- 17:30 
Olga Heldwein „Ramka ze zdjęciem”
sala 4,parter

15:30- 17:30 
Aida Domisiewicz "LOVE IS IN THE AIR"
sala 6,parter

18:00- 21:00 
Aida Domisiewicz "ALL IS LOVE"
sala 6,parter

SKLEP / 13 arts booth



10:00– 12:30 Olga Heldwein
 „Kocham Grunge, czyli mediowanie na blejtramie”

POKAZ technik mixed media
Aida Domisiewicz

STOISKO 13 arts
10.00 - 14.00



Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Canvas by Olga Heldwein

Hej dziś przychodzę do was z blejtramikiem, który przygotowałam w trakcie Artist Live. Na zdjęciu ja i Gosia S. w oprawie materiałów z 13arts. Kolory zupełnie nie moje, ale chyba od tej zimy mi się takich wiosennych zachciało.
Do przygotowania tła użyłam farbek METALLIC! które co prawda są akrylowe, ale można ich używać podobnie jak akwareli żeby osiągnąć permanentne plamy koloru. Wystarczy nakładać je z dużą ilością wody i podsuszyć nagrzewnicą.
Jeśli chcecie zobaczyć jak powstawała ta praca krok po kroku zapraszam do obejrzenia filmików na kanale Artist Live ( TU , TU i TU ) a na końcu posta znajdziecie pełną liste uzytych materiałów ze sklepu 13 arts !

Today I'm coming with my aquarelle background canvas that I created during Artists Live show lately. In the picture: me and one of my best friends <3.
Colors and style are totally off my comfort zone but I want spring so badly and so much !
To prepare this background i use METALLIC! paints. Yep, I know they are acrylic but you can use them with lots of water and crate permanent aquarelle stains - it's an open option to layer your colors. When it's dry they will bleed but only a little bit, not mix all together in one muddy stain.
If you want to check out creative process you can do it HERE HERE and HERE ( yep, 3 parts... i had some technical issues) and at the end of this post full supply list for this work

Product list:

Sunday, 24 January 2016

Bec Genet and Leila Cassimira- our talented Guests

Czas na drugie spotkanie z naszymi utalentowanymi Gośćmi: Bec Genet i Leilą Cassimira. Dziewczyny zrobiły niesamowite prace z naszej najnowszej kolekcji- Secret Letters!

It's time for our second meeting with our talented Guests: Bec Genet and Leila Cassimira. Girls make amazing things with our newest  collection- Secret Letters!


Bec Genet

Gorgeous Memories
This layout features the new collection Secret Letters - it so pretty.

Plus lots of 13 Arts mists, mediums and embellishments

I made a video tutorial to go with this layout - I hope you enjoy it.

13 Arts Products used:

Secret Letters Paper Collection, Remember Me, Dear Friend, My Memories, A Letter for You. and Little Secrets


Leila Cassimira

This cute girl in the photo is my daughter. Today she is 14 years old and I really miss the time when she was my little baby. I love working with the old photos in my scrapbook projects and remember this times.

In this layout I used gray, green,yellow and gold colors. I love this combination. I'm again passionated in work with 13arts products. So easy, so cool and beautiful effects in the projects.

Supplies used:


Dwa różne style, dwa piękne projekty! Dziękujemy Dziewczyny. Nie możemy się doczekać kolejnego spotkania z Wami! 

Two different styles, two beautiful projects! Thank you Ladies. We can't wait the next meeting with you!