Monday 17 February 2014

13 days with 13arts and Flying Unicorn - Day 5 - Keren

Witajcie ! Rozpoczynamy dzień piąty!
Hello! It's day five of:

13 days with 13 arts and Flying Unicorn

Już niedługo ogłosimy zwycięzcę wczorajszej nagrody, a Was za chwilę zapraszamy na kolejną zabawę - dołączcie do nas i obserwujcie nasz Fanpage oraz Fanpage Flying Unicorn. 
We will soon draw the winner of yesterday's prize and you will have new chance of winning awesome prize - please join us at our Fanpage and Flying Unicorn FP.

Dzisiaj inspiruje nas Keren Tamir - projektantka Flying Unicorn, która była też projektantka 13 arts i tworzyła dla nas cudowne prace. 
Today Keren Tamir  - Flying Unicorn CT member and former 13 arts designer inspires us with her stunning project. We loved Keren's creations for us, so we are so happy to welcome her here again:) 

My son

I created this layout using the Timeless Collection from 13 Arts. To create the background I used 13 Arts Primer to mask a pattern. Then I sprayed over the pattern with 13 Arts Sprays: Navy Blue, Turquoise and White. Finally I stamped some bricks and sewing patterns over the sprayed area to create some more texture.

13 Arts Materials:
Timeless: Remember when
Timeless: Stickers
Timeless: Today, Tomorrow, always
Timeless: All the time
13 Arts Primer
13 Arts Chalk Turquoise spray
13 Arts Peal Navy Blue spray
13 Arts Chalk white spray

embellishments from Flying Unicorn

Please jump to Keren's blog for more details and today's prize pack information:

Zapraszamy na blog Keren po szczegóły i informacje o dzisiejszej nagrodzie:

Tomorrow we will have new inspiring project and new prize for you:)
Już jutro kolejna inspiracja i kolejna nagroda do wygrania!