Monday 11 November 2013

Beautiful layout by our Guest Designer Stephanie Papin

Dzisiaj pierwsza praca naszej Gościnnej Projektantki Stephanie Papin z Francji. Stephanie będzie nas inspirować przez 3 miesiące, a już dziś zachwyca cudownym delikatnym scrapem, a także podpowiada jak taki efekt uzyskać.

Today it's time to present you our Guest Designer Stephanie Papin from France. She is joining us for 3 months and for today she prepared amazingly beautiful and soft layout and gives us few tips how to achieve such a great effect.

Poznajmy Stephanie:
Let's meet Stephanie:

My name is Stéphanie PAPIN, and I come from France. I live in an area of the West, in a very quiet corner, and in a country where the scrap is very popular and covered by very large amount of designers. I am 38 years old and I am also a mum of two beautiful daughters aged 6 and 9 years old. Crafting has always been my passion. I discovered scrapbooking several years ago, and I became completely addicted to this hobby.
Lena and Nickie are my main source of inspiration in all my work. I also love taking beautiful pictures, and I' m looking for capture beautiful portraits of my children, I love finding the fleeting impressions of the portraits, this is what give me more emotions, and with the scrap it somehow gives the guaranty to keep those memories for a long time.
My style ? I love above all the sweetness, all that is refined and sumptuous !
Technical side: I work mainly with flowers, stencils, inks, and my dies from my big shot.
I am very  thrilled to have been chosen as guest designer, also delighted to be working with 13 arts products , I hope to provide you another source of inspiration, and I warmly thank Ayeeda for her kindness!

The layout of my page is very simple: just a few layers of paper!
To create this page, I am based on the dominant colors of the photo. I saw
that the water green and pink-peach were the dominant colors, so I chose to
find these two colors on my page background. I used the Ayeeda paint
« Matte green », mixed with a little bit of modeling paste to get a result of a
color with some texture .

I have then applied this mixture to my page using a stencil.
The pink-peach color on my picture is very light and soft ; to reproduce the
same tone, I mixed a little Ayeeda paint « Matte Raspberry » with a little
« Matte Lemon », and the whole was diluted with a little water, it gives a very
clear and light painting. I applied with the fingers this new color on the right
side of my page, and the result looks a bit like the transparency of watercolor

 To enrich my page background, I paste here and there a few pieces of
masking tape, and on this occasion, I did not hesitate to stick a few pieces of
Ayeeda stickers , those are perfect to be "torn" as masking tape. The
stickers are coordinated to the collections of papers, so they are ideal to use
as we want on our pages!

For the rest of my page, I applied some stamps, some impressions of soft
colors with different stencils, and I threw a few drops of ink, Ayeeda Mist,
"chalk turquoise", and China ink.

I finally finished my page by applying modeling paste on different parts of my
page using a stencil. The modeling paste gives a little texture to the page and
also cleared all my page.
Some additional embellishments, and my page is finished !

13 arts products I used:

"All is love" collection:
 "Faces of spring" collection:
Strong feelings - Siła uczuć
Hair in the wind - Wiatr we włosach
Ayeeda Paint - Matte Raspberry
Ayeeda Paint - Matte Green 
Ayeeda Paint - Matte Lemon 
Mgiełka kredowa - Chalk Turquoise 
Pasta modelująca 120m
Różyczki papierowe "gniecione" ecru 4 szt.
Różyczki papierowe "gniecione" różowe 4 szt.
Różyczki małe łososiowe