Tu Marta, dzisiaj z tagiem vintage. Pobawiłam się trochę nowościami, jak np. ephemerą i połączyłam ją z moimi dawnymi ulubieńcami jak Shiny Powder czy mikrokuleczki.
Hi there!
It's Marta here today with a vintage tag. I played with the newest product, like ephemera pack and I mixed it with my old favourite like Shiny Powder and microbeads.
W tle widzicie też nową maskę.
In the background you can also see the newest stencil.
Material used :

Marta, you did a perfect job. Amazing. I must try one day too, but you know how it is: it is easier to look and admire, than do it by your self. :) :)
A day without a scrapbooking is a lost day. - Author Kaligrafija
Thank you :) You should try. When you try tag me, I would love to see the result :)
Deletewhat do you use these tags for?