Wednesday 2 August 2017

"Time to Art" by our New GD - Darya Shkuratova

Witajcie! Pora przedstawić naszą trzecią, bardzo utalentowaną Gościnną Projektantkę, tym razem z Rosji! Przywitajcie ciepło Daryę Shkuratovą. Tylko spójrzcie jaką piękną pracę dla nas zrobiła: 

Hello! It's time to introduce our new very talented Guest Designer from Russia! Please give a warm welcome to Darya Shkuratova. Just look at her first beautiful project made for us:

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My name is Darya, i'm from Russia and live in the Far East of our big country. 
More of all I love sounds of sea waves and dream to live by the sea.
I am an IT-worker, love to work in web-developing. I have many hobbies: dancing, snowboarding,cycling.
Scrapbooking is my little world of paints, I can't live without any experiments. Emotions is my inspiration.

I made the self-reminder about art in my life. It is very important for me now. I had a forced break and this time I played enough with paints.
This canvas is 15x15 cm, so that is small enough to fit on the desktop right before my eyes.

I made my background with stencil by 13 Arts and pieces of binding cardboard to make more deep texture.
Main role in my canvas play brushes. And clock-esteblishments add more sense to my project.

Thanks to 13 Arts for all this magic ingredients:

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Dziękujemy Darii. Nie możemy się doczekać jej kolejnych pięknych prac! 
Thank you Darya! We can't wait to see your next creations.