
Friday 17 November 2017

Our talented Guest- Irena Vohlídková

Dzisiaj chcielibyśmy podzielić się z Wami pięknym layoutem od naszej utalentowanej Gościnnej projektantki - Ireny Vohlídkovej - Irisiki. Znana jest także pod nickiem ScrapLady. Iriska tworzy świetne, nowoczesne prace i bardzo się cieszymy, że możemy podzielić się z Wami jej twórczością. 

Today we'd like to show you a beautiful layout from our new, talented Guest Designer- Irena Vohlídková - Iriska. She's also know as ScrapLady. Iriska makes lovely modern projects and we're really happy that we can share her beautiful art with you. 

Crafting is my favorite hobby. I am creating cards, albums, layouts all the time. Scrapbooking, Cardmaking and a Project Life - that's my life! I am also organizing a lot of creative workshops and I am also mentoring them, organizing crafting weekend events, creating a guideline for creative websites, I am also a member of design teams and currently working (for the 3rd year) as a blogger for Sizzex company. An author of Cardmaking and minialbums book, made in 2013 and also co-writer of Scrapbooking - the paper with a story book, made in 2015 thanks to Zoner Press publishing house. I rarely attend TV shows focusing on crafting. I am a packed sugar collector, traveling lover, passionate blogger, I love challenges and I have discovered that I would have never lived alone in an island - I need my family and active people living around me!

Hello everyone!
Thank you for the opportunity to be here with you and have the chance to share some of my crafting products. I like to create albums and this layout is one of them that are included in “Dovolená 2017” album. You have to admit that the best holiday is to be spent with your friend! 😊 This holiday has been spent in Ireland and it’s our third holiday spent together. It was awesome as every year before and we enjoy it as much as we could, this album can’t describe all the good things that happened to us.

I prefer to work with water-soluble colours, you can make great watercolour magic! I like all the watercolour techniques and for this layout I’ve used the best powder colours by Rainbow color. I have used a watercolour paper 300g/m2, that I sewed black thread by the sewing machine in two directions. I mixed powdered colour with water on the waterproof pad and put it on the sewed place. Threads can make an effect of very nice colourful spots. I used black and red colour. Colours have been put on a layout and I let them to dissolve and then the very interesting surface has been made. I’ve also added some of the colourful spots via brush.

I’ve used applicator for the dry surface to put the colour on the paper with stencils.

I also used photos from the Instax printer and they have defined size, so I’ve used it for the layout. I used few layers of photos and added stencil cutouts and titles. 

The watercolour paper was in A3 size and it was smaller than a size of a scrapbook page, so I’ve undelayed it with colourful paper. I’ve made a double line on a circuit, I really love this detail. I couldn’t add more text to the layout, so I’ve used letters sticked on the circuit.
Crafting is a happiness!

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Więcej pięknych prac Iriski możecie zobaczyć na jej kanałach social media.
See more beautiful projects by Iriska on her social media channels: