
Saturday 17 September 2016

Layout " I will remenber this day forever" by Maryse

Hello !!

Today I come to share my inspiration.
I worked in colors of purple, tone on tone.
Wishing what will please you.

Bonjour !!

Aujourd'hui je viens vous partager mon inspiration.
J'ai travaillé dans les couleurs de violet, un ton sur ton.
En souhaitant quel sera vous plaire.

13@rts products:
-Paper Out of the blue/Dreamland
-Paper pad 6x6 Out of the blue
-Stencil Swirls
-Gesso white/clear
-Mist pastel dirty pink
-Mist chalk ultramarin
-Modeling paste
-Paint vivid violet
-Sticker 13@rts
-Flowers 13@rts

Thank you and see you next time !!

Maryse xx