
Sunday 24 January 2016

Bec Genet and Leila Cassimira- our talented Guests

Czas na drugie spotkanie z naszymi utalentowanymi Gośćmi: Bec Genet i Leilą Cassimira. Dziewczyny zrobiły niesamowite prace z naszej najnowszej kolekcji- Secret Letters!

It's time for our second meeting with our talented Guests: Bec Genet and Leila Cassimira. Girls make amazing things with our newest  collection- Secret Letters!


Bec Genet

Gorgeous Memories
This layout features the new collection Secret Letters - it so pretty.

Plus lots of 13 Arts mists, mediums and embellishments

I made a video tutorial to go with this layout - I hope you enjoy it.

13 Arts Products used:

Secret Letters Paper Collection, Remember Me, Dear Friend, My Memories, A Letter for You. and Little Secrets


Leila Cassimira

This cute girl in the photo is my daughter. Today she is 14 years old and I really miss the time when she was my little baby. I love working with the old photos in my scrapbook projects and remember this times.

In this layout I used gray, green,yellow and gold colors. I love this combination. I'm again passionated in work with 13arts products. So easy, so cool and beautiful effects in the projects.

Supplies used:


Dwa różne style, dwa piękne projekty! Dziękujemy Dziewczyny. Nie możemy się doczekać kolejnego spotkania z Wami! 

Two different styles, two beautiful projects! Thank you Ladies. We can't wait the next meeting with you!